Entry Number Thirty-Five (2/8/2011)

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Dear readers,


I had some yesterday too.

lolz I rhymed.



I'm getting off in an hour, but before I do, I need to write a paragraph for Graphic Arts. Shouldn't take long.

I'm just about to start watching Nabari no Ou. I thought of this anime 'cause I was reading Hey Class President!(a yaoi manga) and in the parts between chapters there was a picture of one of the characters from Nabari no Ou.

... I don't have much to say again today.

I guess I'll just give you my song - Love Game by Lady Gaga(on a yaoi AMV)

Feel free to ask me which anime is in which part of the AMV. I think there's only one of them that I don't know.

I'm also putting a pic up. From now on, I'm not going to say anything about the pictures I put up(with some exceptions, like today), 'cause there's no point. 

Today's picture is from Hey Class President! the anime. Don't worry, it's not hardcore.



Just answered the Graphic Arts question. I decided I wanna watch at least one more episode of Nabari no Ou, so yeah... I'm not gettin off quite yet.



I ended up watching up until episode 6... I'm just gonna watch episode 7 end then get off... I'll probably go back on later tonight,  though.

C ya.

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