Entry Number Ninety-Four (4/19/2012)

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Dear readers,

Since I took a very lng break in writing entries, it seems I forgot to but "Dear readers," at the start of my last two entries. Whoops.

Also, before this long break, I said something about considering having a sex change when I'n older.

I've decided against it. I've had the strong desire to be a mother(when I'm older) for a long time, and I want to actually be a biological mother. I'm not going to make that impossible my changing my sex.

Earlier today, when I was in writing class, I was supposed to be working on the narrative I'd been writing about zombies at an anime convention. I didn't actually get much done, because for some reason I was fantasizing about having hot S&M sex with a tall muscular guy. I was the S.

I was pretty much doing that the whole class, and I think my imagination is pretty damn vivid if I do say myself.

Which is kind of odd, if you think about it. I mean, how the hell can I imagine sex so clearly when I've never had sex before?

It's probably all that yaoi and yuri manga, along with the occasional Ecchi Shoujo manga.

Oh and there was this manga called Nana something that had some pretty intense S&M. Even I, who has watched countless S&M yaois, couldn't bring myself to finish it. I intend finish it eventually though.

That might have affected it some.

I REALLY need to get laid.

Which is one of the reasons I can't wait to get out of this hellhole.

I'm currently in Journalism class. There's a substitute and we're in the computer lab, so I can pretty much do whatever I want. I haven't been doing much work at all for the past couple days. Oh well.

Listening to music really helps this not be boring.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, my friend Eric has started making a zombie movie for a Graphic Arts project, and I'm in it. I don't think its going to be very good, mostly because he set his sights too high.

Isn't it odd that just as I started writing a zombie story, my friend started making a zombie movie?

Okay,probably not, most of our friends are at least slightly obsessed.

I was talking to my friend Brendon today about the fact that I think I might have very mild OCD.

It's not like I'm a germaphobe, and my room is a mess, but it's the little things. If something in my room is moved even a bit, I move it make to the position it was in before. When I eat lunch at school, I'm very meticulous. I eat my lunchable. The cracker on bottom, then the balogna, then the cheese. I never eat more than one of any of the ingredients at once, and when someone asks for a cheese or a cracker, I say "Only if you take a whole sandwich." because I don't like it to be uneven. Then I eat  my cheese and crackers, then my rice crispy square, then my gummies then my juice with my calcium pills (I don't like milk). Always in that order. All the foods not in this I eat at break because I'm always hungry by then.

If this still seems ridiculous, then I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone who has OCD.

The bell just rang, so I've got to go to study block.

Auf Wiedersehen!

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