Entry Number Twenty-Five (1/29/2011)

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Dear readers,

It's Saturday!!! XD

I don't really have all that much to day at the moment, except that I'm almost done reading The Graceling, and when I do I'm moving on to Fire.

Also that I'm gonna be watching ANTM for pretty much the whole day, so c ya!



I'm currently watching America's Next Top Model. I'm at the third season, and it's the first season where I actually don't really have a favorite. I like all of them. If I HAD to choose a favorite though, I think it would probably be Amanda, the almost-blind mom. Though she didn't do that well in the episode that I'm watching right now, which is the seventh one.

Hmmm... There really isn't much to say today. Feels so weird, 'cause I usually talk so much!



I'm on episode 9 now and I find out that they're going to Tokyo, Japan. THOSE LUCKY BIOTCHES. I'm planning on being a fashion designer when I get out of High School and I LOVE Japan. I will DEFINITELY go there some day. 



I'm getting off the computer as soon as this episode is done. I'm having an early shower.

Normally I would go on later on, but today I think I'm gonna read instead.

Woops. I almost forgot to put up today's picture and song Xo... So here ya go:

Song - >The Gingers Have SOUL! autotune remix

Picture - > AWESOME FACE!!!

Anyway, buhbye!

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