Entry Number Sixty-Eight (3/13/2011)

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Dear readers,

School tomorrow DX

Anyway, my dad just left with Mark to bring him back to his apartment. Mum's at Mémère's. So I'm free to go on the computer as I like. It's 1:31 right now, and I'm now going to continue watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer as I was earlier this morning. 

The thing is, I got two hours of rest, not even two hours of sleep, and I'm not tired at ALL.

I actually feel more tired on morning where I slept well than on mornings where I haven't slept at all. Is that the norm? Anyway, I'm wide awake now, but I'll be super tired later tonight. At least I usually am on the days after a sleepless or mostly sleepless night.

Anyway, ttyl.



Megavideo can be SO annoying sometimes DX



Dad's home, and he bought me Timbits XD XD XD

Original without the sugar coating are my favorite, but there weren't any of those, so I'll have to settel for with sugar coating. Oh well, it's still Timbits XD



Officially bored of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For now at least. Spike hasn't been in any recent episodes, and from the episode guide, he won't be in one any time soon DX DX DX

Anyway, I'm gonna watch AirMaster now.



Just finished watching AirMaster. Now I'm gonna watch me some ANTM. 

So blah.



Anyway, ttyl.



Gettin' off now. Not gonna be back on later tonight 'cause unfortunately I got school tomorrow.

Bona notti!

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