Entry Number Ninety-Six (5/4/2012)

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Dear readers,

It is currently a long weekend at my school. I didn't have school today, neither did I have school yesterday. It's been nice, though I really should have gotten started on finishing my homework that's due on monday. 

Guess what I got to do on wednesday? I got to try cow tongue!

I kid you not.

I think they boiled it. Anyway, it tasted kind of like chicken, but the texture was different. Kind of weird, but not unpleasant.

I only got to eat two little pieces. I would have liked to get a better taste so that I could give you guys a better description of it.

We were watching the teacher's variety show, and one of the teachers was dared by a student to try cow tongue if everyone in their class sold something for the fundraiser our school did. They did, so she tried it, and afterwords offered some to students. I was the only girl who wanted any.

I'm kind of proud of myself.

Just a second ago I was looking through the course options booklet thingy my University sent me. I'm going to another Open House tomorrow for course registration. I'm most interested in Cultural Anthropology and Psychology classes. And, of course, I'll be registering for the japanese classes the University offers.

I can't wait!

The only thing I'm gonna miss about my high school is my friends, the school colors, and the mascot. 

Our mascot is death! No joke. How cool is that?

I hope I get to meet all kinds of people when I go to Uni. As my school, people are all pretty much the same. I mean, here's the basic break down: Over-achievers, sporty kids, under-acheivers, typical kind of preppy but nice enough people, Loners who don't seem like loners because there are so many of them and they group and "Unique"(weird, in a good way in my opinion) people. The unique people and the loners tend to hang out with each other. Over-achievers, sporty kids and preppy-ish kids tend to hang out with eachother, and there are under-acheivers, but those aren't the same as the under-achievers that are a seperate group. They rarely hang out. Each group had it's alloted amount of douchbags, trouble-makers, and drama-queens. It's not really so clearcut, but these are the basics. Friendships often occur between the boundries of the groups, but they aren't usually strong ones. If it is a stong one, it'll be between a loner and one of the unique people or between a sporty kid and a preppy-ish kid, or an over-achiever.

I belong somewhere between "Unique" and loner. You may think I'm insane for calling myself a loner, because, I mean, what loner talks this much, but if you saw me in a class where there isn't anyone who's a friend, or at least someone I talk to frequently enough, then you'd understand. In those cases, I rarely talk, except to the teacher. 

Of course, this division might only apply to those in my graduating class. I'm not so sure about the people in the years after me. 

In any case, I'll be looking forward to meeting new classmates for the first time since the 6th grade(other than foreign exchange students, we get plenty of those).


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