1. The Beginning

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Y/n's POV

8:17 pm the alarm clock next to me read.

I looked out the windows and saw it was past sunset.

I look around my house, which used to be so lively and full, turned empty and dark. Clothes were lying on the wooden floor everywhere and cups and mugs were lined on the counter of the kitchen.

I really should clean this place up after I go and visit Nana.

I grabbed the sweater that was tossed on the couch and put it on and headed towards the door. Grabbing, my backpack, I put my phone and wallet in it and went out the door, locking it.

I grabbed my bike that was tossed onto the ground and cycled around the dimly lit streets.

The sound of sea crashing the rocks were like a sweet music to my ears as I took a deep breath of the humid air of Torono, Japan. 

Once I reached the large white building, I put my bike in the bike parker and went inside the hospital. A friendly male staff that worked as the unnamed receptionist smiled my way as a greeting.

"Hello, Y/n." he said.

I nodded as a response and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

After few doors, I reached a sliding white door with the name Tachibana on it.

I knocked on it softly to hear a faint come in from inside from my grandmother. I opened the door as quietly as possible and went in.

"Hi, Nana." I said. "Oops. Did I wake you up?" I softly said as I took a seat next to her white hospital bed.

The room was dark and the only thing that was lit was the lamp on the nightstand. It was pretty dim but I could see my grandma's tired face.

"Who are you?" the old woman who watched me grow up said with confusion.

"What are you doing in my room, get out!" she exclaimed, covering herself up with her blanket.

I sighed as it happened every time I visited her. "It's me, Y/n! You know, your granddaughter." I said kindly and patiently.

Her mouth was formed in an 'O' shape as she recalled our memories. "My lovely, Y/n! How are you dear?" she asked happily, finally remembering me.

"Could you grab me that water, please, dear? I put it there before I took a nap." she said.

"Of course. And I'm good, Nana. How are you feeling? Any cramps? Sore throat? Anything?" I asked her before grabbing a cup of water that was on her nightstand.

She took the cup with her wrinkly skinny old hand and gulped the water down her throat with a satisfied sigh.

"No... I'm feeling alright. Actually I feel great." she chuckled half heartedly making me smile at her.

I grabbed her hands in mine and just held it for comfort.

"Have you been eating well, sweetie? You look skinnier the last time I saw you!" she said grabbing my hand and pinched my skin which made me squirm.

"Yes, I have! Ow, that hurts!" I said quickly pulling away.

"Oh, you dramatic little thing... Who are you again?" she asked tilting her head.

Yeah, my grandmother is suffering from Alzheimers and that's not all, she's battling a brain cancer stage 2B.

I sighed, "It's Y/n, Nana." I gave a patient smile.

"Oh! Yes, Y/n!!" she exclaimed happily at my presence. "Have you been eating, honey? You look skinnier."

"Have you been eating too, Nana? For me, I paid off my bills and I've been eating very well. So don't worry okay?" I said smiling.

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