20. Childhood Best Friends

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Y/n's POV

from 7 years ago~

"Kenma! Get up!!" I yelled as I plopped on top of him, capturing him with my death hug. "Or I'll strangle you and hide all your video games" I glared at the boy.

"Ughh, Y/n, get off of me..." the nine year old said grumpily. I got off him, waiting for him to do the same and get off the bed, but NOOOOO! Instead, he wrapped himself in his blankets, forming a cocoon for his hibernation.

"Y/n-chan, did you get Kenma?!" Kuroo's voice echoed through the halls. I sighed and walked to the kitchen.

"No, it's your turn now." I sighed as I stretched my limbs out. "But don't get him out by force or he might never gonna get out of his room ever again." I warned the boy with a bed hair.

"Eye eye, captain!" Kuroo saluted me and busted into Kenma's room and the door slammed. I heard bangs, crashes, baby cries, more bangs, an explosion and a cat shrieking.

"Jeez, what us going on in there...?" I mumbled as I grabbed a slice of an apple pie that Mrs. Kozume prepared for us kids.

Kuroo, Kenma and I've been neighbors for all of our lives and basically did everything together as children. I'm pretty sure we even bathed and got lost in the woods together- All in all, we were inseparable.

"Y/n-chan! I got him, now let's go out and play volleyball together!!" Kuroo said loudly as he dragged Kenma by his hoodie.

I took a big bite out of the pie before following the boys outside. "Oi, wait up, rooster-head!" I called as I put on my light up shoes.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Kuroo pouted.

I smirked, "Ya want me to call you Tsu-Tsu-chan, huh rooster-head?" I playfully puck my lips at him.

Suddenly he started running towards me and brought his cheek close to my face, making me back up. "H-Ha?" I asked, confused.

Kuroo smirked and pointed at his cheek, "Give me a kiss, m'lady. Right here," he said. "Or do you want me to give you a kiss, N/n?"

I blushed at his direct flirt and puffed my cheeks to look 'brave'. "Ew, no way. Y'all boys have cooties. Now way I'm gonna get one of them!" I said as I ran towards the net outside with full speed ahead.




"Nice receive, N/n-chan!" Kuroo yelled. I nodded and tossed it over to Kenma, who set it back to me. I took 3 steps before jumping high in the air and spiked the ball, making it hit Kuroo's face.

Kenma bursted out laughed while I gasped. I quickly ducked under the net to come over to the older boy, apologizing over and over again.

"Holy Jesus Christ! You okay, Tetsu-kun?!" I asked as I held the boy's face with my hands, inspecting his injury. "Oh my, a bloody nose- IM SO SORRY!!!" I hugged the boy as I cried on his shoulder.

"You'll be missed, Tsu-Tsu! You were a good friend and Kenma and I will never forget you!"

Kenma came over to us and wiped a fake tear, "Fly high, Tetsurou Kuroo..."

"Stop it you two!!" Kuroo glared as he pinched his nose with his fingers. "Ngow, gib me sum tishuuuus inshtead onph laughin' at my face nyu twyu!" he mumbled.

Kenma squinted his eyes in confusion as he elbowed my arm, "Whatdidhesayyyy??"

"He said, 'Now, give me some tissues instead of laughing at my face you two,'" I translated it to him as I looked for the handkerchief I got from Nana a year ago. When I found it in my pocket, I wiped Kuroo's bloody face and helped him to stop the blood from flowing out.

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