29. Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno

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Third POV
earlier that day~

"You look great today, Y/n!" Kunebo-san said with a grin.

Was it an innocent one?


Far different from that.

He wore a suit, his first two buttons from his dress shirt were opened, his hair pushed out of place with a clip.

Tachibana raised and eyebrow as she took a seat and crossed her legs under the table. The dress was too tight, hugging her skin that showed off her curves, her flaws and probably her everything at the inappropriate size of it too.

Was it her choice?

Also no.

"Why did you call me here? I have a match now, y'know."

"I'm clearly aware of that." he said as he twirled a wine glass in his hand and smirked, "I want to make another contract."

She rolled her eyes in response.

"It's more beneficial to you so, I'm sure you'll agree on it—"

"Just tell me already. I don't have all day, I need to be there for my team's match." she said, getting up from her seat. "I'm leaving."

"Just hear me out. You have two options," Kunebo said bringing two fingers up in the air.

"You'll live happily with your glorious famous life while you coach Karasuno." He gave her a twisted grin and chuckled a bit, "Or you'll live with your grandmother and work for me."

The (h/c)-ette stared at him in shock and gripped onto the fabric of her dress tightly as she glared at him.

"What kind of choice is that?" she scoffed under her breath before turning to the middle aged man, "What will happen if I choose the first one?"

"Well, you won't have much time with your grandmother." he paused with a small smile. "At all."

Y/n's face went sour and backed away.

"But hey! Look on the bright side! You'll live your celebrity life pridefully and will have all the time you want with your teammates!"

Her lips trembled at the explanation and blinked.

"You expect me to- to leave my grandmother and let her die?!" she snapped.

Walking over to his side, she grabbed him by the collar as she pulled him from his seat and glared.

"Tell me the other choice. Quick."

Kunebo gulped but kept his cocky smirk on, "You won't ever coach Karasuno and only work for me while I pay the bills."

"Till what age?" she asked.

"Till what age?" he repeated before bursting into laughter. "Till you're dead, silly!"


"You disgust me. I'm leaving." she threw him back to his seat before escaping this never ending nightmare. Kunebo's eyes widened and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in, making struggle for her to escape.

"For god's sake. I said I quit!!" Y/n yelled, harshly tugging her hand away from Kunebo's strong grasp.

People looked their way, wondering what was happening inside the expensive luxurious restaurant.

"You mustn't! Think about the cash we will make!! The contracts!! The fame!!" he protested.

"You're ticking me off..." she murmured and with a swish move, she kicked him harshly in the nuts before stomping away on the marble floor of the restaurant. "I never even wanted the fame. I only wanted Nana to get better." she sighed and left in the expensive limousine.

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