12. Nekoma II

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Y/n's POV

"Kenma-kun? You know Tachi-san?" Hinata asked. I stopped at the sudden nickname and raised an eyebrow at him.

The ball of orange blushed and apologized, bowing at least ten times. "I'm sorry! I meant Tachibana-san!" he said.

The pudding head looked at me with a questionable look, "Tachibana?" he asked.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I changed my name from Tokura." I explained.

He nodded and gave a shy smile. "Ah, I see...Good to have you back here, Y/n..." he said calmly.

I blushed and chuckled awkwardly, "You're cute as ever, Kyanma-chan." I slapped his shoulder softly.

The second year blushed at my words and furrowed his eyebrows. "S-Shut up and don't call me that!" he pouted, looking away.

"Well, Hinata, I think we should go. Say goodbye to Kenma." I told the ginger. He grinned to the neko-like player and waved his hand, "See ya, Kenma-kun!"

He then bumped into someone's chest hard and almost fell but I caught him.

"Oi, you okay, Hinata?" I asked.

He nodded and got to his feet. "I-I'm sorry!" Hinata said.

"Same here." a familiar imitating tone confronts the guy. A whoosh came towards our direction as Tanaka shielded himself in front of Hinata and I.

"What business might you have with our first year and our coach??" Tanaka asked while he glared menacingly at the mohawk haired guy in front of him.

"Haa?! Did you say something?"

"Do you wanna fight, city (shitty) boy?" 

Sugawara came over to save the day, "Tanaka. We're not here to fight. And stop with the city boy thing! It's embarrassing," scolded the third year.

Tanaka froze at his spot.

"Yamamoto, you're always causing fights, it makes you look like an idiot." scolded a short light-brunette.

The mohawk haired guy froze just like Tanaka.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble he caused, it's really embarrassing." the light-brunette said as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm sorry too. It's embarrassing." Sugawara sighed.

My eyes widened as I started to recognize the shorter teen. "No way, Yaku-san?" I asked with a smile.

He looked at me confused before grinning, "Y/n-san! It's been so long!" he said.

"You're studying in Karasuno now?" he pouted.

I scratched the back of my head, "I-Yeah... I'm sorry for not keeping my promise to go to Nekoma." I said apolitically.

The light-brunette smiled, shaking his head, "Nah, it's totally fine!" he pat my shoulder.

Sugawara's eyes widened. "You were going to study in Nekoma, Tachibana-san?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, but you're pretty lucky that I go to the same school as you, Sugawara." I winked at him. The platinum blonde blushed and looked away, flustered.

I turned to Yaku and gave him a high five, "Well, see ya soon, Yaku-san."

"Suga-kun, is she your manager?" asked the light brunette after I left.

The Karasuno setter shook his head, scratching his neck sheepishly. "She's our coach. Pretty shocking, isn't it?" he asked.

Yaku then shook his head, much to Sugawara's surprise.

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