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This chapter will take place in around 2-3 weeks after Corpse DM'd you on instagram. This is mean to show how far your guy's friendship is going SO FAR 😏. Also im really sorry for the late update, my teacher have been shoving assignments and tests up my ass so i gave yall a longer chapter, i hope you enjoy!

"Alright alright vince, i got it!" I laughed as my coworker made sure that i was going to be ok for the night. "I'll be fine, its my turn to do inventory today and i will probably do my tattoo while im at it." I said, heading to my station to throw away the needles and the ink i used from our last customer.

He stared at me from the front counter, leaning on it slightly. "I dont trust it after that last incident." He recalled. Rolling my eyes playfully, i wiped down the black leather seat. "Dont worry. If anything sketchy happens, i will call you, ok? Stop stressing so much." I assured him. Of course, Vince was always being super protective over me. He was really starting to remind me of Felix. Although im 100% sure that Felix would call him every night to see if i was ok.

"Fine. But only because i have a date with Maria." He agreed. I ooo'ed and looked to see him red in the face. Maria was one of my bestest friends and also coworker. After so long of them 2 flirting, they decided to ✨ELOPE✨. Nah jk they aren't married but dating.

"Good luck muchacho~" i teased again and he flipped me off making me laugh. "Now go! Dont keep Ms. Espinoza waiting!" I teased more, while looking towards the huge stack of giant boxes. My arms are definitely going to be sore tomorrow.

"Take care then. And remember, theres switchblades in my office just in case ok?" He asked and i rolled my dyes again. "I have mine on me, chillax. I'll call you if anything sketchy happens." I assured him for the last time. He nodded and grabbed his torn ripped jean jacket off of one of the leather seats. "Bye." He said before walked towards the door. "Bye lover boy!" I shouted back and with that he left.

"Welp i should start right away." I pulled out my phone and connected it to the speakers of the shop. Clicking shuffle on my playlist, Gimme love by Joji came on . 

Swaying my hips to the beat, i started walking to the big stack of boxes.

"Lets see...we got our ink in this one...needles and rubber bands in this one....transfer paper and gloves....ooh! New machinery as well?" Humming and occasionally singing, the night descended further.

A couple hours later

"Whew! Ok that should be everything!" I double checked my clipboard that had a shit ton of new supplies to make sure everything arrived. Checking the time on my phone, i saw that it was 9:45. I could possibly get the tattoo done right now actually. "Sweet, we'll get to try out the new guns and needles." Almost like a rabid dog, i drooled over how sharp the needles looked in my new gun at my station.

Red chrome machine with a skull and rose. Crazy to think how infatuated i am with this. From the sound of the gun to the feeling of tingly ness and burning on your skin. Who wouldn't be obsessed when you have the job of your dreams? Recently i have been slacking off with my tattoos. Its been 3 weeks and i havent done one. The longest i've been without inking myself was about a month which was when i went back to Sweden and didnt bring any of my supplies.

I sat down at my leather seat at my station. Grabbing my design off of my white desk, i began to work on it.

Nothing is more soothing than being alone listening to your favorite songs while tattooing yourself. Our boss didn't care if we tattooed ourselves after or before work just as long as we don't do it while customers are still present. Its not like we could either, the place is usually packed by evening to nighttime with a few customers in the morning.

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