Welcome + character info

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I dont really know how to start this off (introverted as hell sorry) but i have wanted to try writing again after not doing it for 3 years so here i am!

Some of the stories wont always have reader tattooing or will be related to it but just know that the reader is a tattoo artist! I have always wanted to be a tattoo artist or a piercer and i've been drawing on myself for as long as i could remember and im going to study for it! I thought it'd be cool to make the reader a badass tattoo artist 😼.

Parts that follow the story have a 🖤
While parts that are one shots have 🤍


Name: Y/N Kjellberg
(I decided to make u Felix's lil sister)

Birthday: Y/BD

Age: 19

Height: 5'3 - 5'4

Hair color: Y/HC

Hair length: Y/HL

Favorite color: Y/FC

Favorite food: Y/FF

On social media you are known as kisses4y/n
Example: kisses4lovisa

Like mentioned before, you are Felix's (PewDiePie's) little sister that is a new tattoo artist at California Dream. You live in Los Angeles California in a fairly cozy home with your dog, Kuma. You originally started off doing youtube to show off the process of tattoos or to "vlog" how you tattoo other Youtubers. One of them being Felix which made Felix want to keep including you in his content.

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