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Im so tired from running. My bare feet felt wet and burned like hell. My heart wanted to stop but i knew i couldn't. The sound of dripping blood echoed throughout the empty hallways. Glass was on my sweated skin, making tiny cuts. I dont even know why im running but i feel threatened.

"Y/N!" I heard 2 voice being faded together. I couldn't recognize them but they sounded familiar.

"Y/N!!!" they both screamed. However one person sounded way too familiar, a scream i was always haunted by. My eyes widened and soon felt hot liquid poor out of them, i wiped my eyes quickly only to see that i was now strapped into a chair a bright lamp in a corner of the blank room. My hands stained red, fingers twitching wildly.

"Y/N!!" Felix's scream resonated. Whipping my head around, Felix was bloodied, on the floor shaking. However i didn't even try to move. My hands where bonded together and my feet where too badly cut to even stand.

"FELIX?!" Was all i could yell, over and over again.

"SLUTA BERÄTTA FOR MIG LÖGNER!!" (Stop lying to me) Another voice screamed. Many years have passed but that voice is all i need to hear to know that my life is endangered. My body froze up, shoulders sore from all the tenseness but i could care less.

Felix's body was going limp as i started to thrash around, fearing the death of Felix and the person speaking.

"Komma u-undan, han är galen.." (get away, he's insane) Felix choked out.

"V-Vad?" (What?) i whispered, his head looked up from the bloody pool under him, his eyes where Ruby red, another familiar eye color.

"KOMMA UNDAN, HAN ÄR GALEN!!" Felix and another deep voice screamed at me over and over again, his mouth spilling blood each and every time. I screamed as well, all of their voices mashing up together and sounding like hell itself.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I flung up from where i was laying, my eyes shooting open to see my bedroom.

The lights where all turned off except for my monitor that was still turned on and had a sketch that i was uploading.

My head whipped around left and right, taking in my surroundings. The digital clock on my nightstand read 4:37 a.m. in bright red. Gasping for air, i released my Kuromi plushy from my deadly grasp, letting it fall on the mattress besides me. My forehead dripped cold sweat making my hair stick to the back of my neck.

I've been stressing too much about the whole Alexander situation. He cant know where i live right? However it did make me worry about my friends in Sweden. What if the dream actually meant something? More scenarios popped up in my head as i started getting more sweatier.

"God i just want to be alone.." i whimpered. I should probably call my friends and ask if they're ok. It was 4 am for me in Cali and it was around 10 am in Sweden i could possibly call right now.

Getting out from my sheets, i walked in the moonlit room to my computer. I had been sketching and transferring up until i badly needed a nap. Yawning, i saved the drafts before turning off my setup. I knew it was only a dream and i've have many of them just like that but what creeps me out is that i've stopped having them for years up until now. Shaking my head, i opened my closet and stripped off my high waisted shorts and top and put on my sleeping shorts with an oversized Slipknot tee.

I threw my previous clothes on the floor, still kind of tired. Crawling back into bed, i hugged my Kuromi plushy and fell back asleep.

~In the morning~

I woke up around 9 and showered. Getting breakfast, the horrific dream scenes came back to me. God, there was so much blood and screaming. For some reason my gut felt really heavy and i suddenly stopped eating my pancakes. I felt like throwing up which was something i only did when i felt my anxiety peak. Inhaling and exhaling, i managed to make the nausea go away some.

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