part xv - christmas with the gryffindors (1)

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Suddenly, Y/n felt something sharp hit her face.

She quickly opened her eyes to find Tom's elbow resting directly on her cheekbone, the rest of his arm sprawled across her torso.

For someone who sleeps like a corpse he sure does move a lot, Y/n thought to herself before lifting his arm and tossing it back to his side of the bed.

Tom, however, didn't take this lightly. He jolted awake, his eyes frantically scanning his surroundings as they adjusted to the darkness. Then they fell onto the analog clock hanging above Y/n's dresser, which read 4:06 AM.

All while this was happening, Y/n watched Tom intently; she had never seen him so caught off guard. It was almost refreshing to see someone so normally put together become so flustered.

"What did you do?" Tom turned himself completely to face Y/n, their noses nearly touching. Tom and Y/n awkwardly squirmed their arms as they tried to avoid any contact, which was difficult to do on a twin-sized bed.

"You elbowed me first." Y/n snapped back, rolling her eyes at him.

"No I didn't, I don't move when I sleep."

She scoffed. "Please. You were not only moving but snoring too."

"You're lying."

"I am not!"

The room's silence was quickly overtaken by the angry whisper-shouting of Y/n and Tom as they bickered until Nagini woke up and promptly hissed at them.

"Look at you two, arguing like an old married couple." She said to Tom, who shot the snake a death glare before ignoring her comment.

Then Tom turned back in his sleep, his broad back blocking Y/n from getting the last word in. The girl defeatedly rolled her eyes one last time before also going back to bed.

But the small argument had already left Tom wide awake and more sensible than ever.

Why did I agree to this? He mentally slapped himself in the face, trying to comprehend what he had just done. To Tom, Y/n had yet again taken advantage of him in his most vulnerable state, which he couldn't let happen again.

That's what you always say, the voice in the back of his mind said. Tom tried to repress it, ignore it if he could, but the voice was persistent.

'This won't happen again', 'I'll be stronger next time'- yet you always come running back to her.

Tom knew the voice in his head was right, but his own prideful self didn't want to admit to being so helpless around her that he shrugged it off and got out of bed. He tossed the blanket over Y/n who propped herself onto her elbows in confusion.

"Are you leaving?" She asked as Tom hopped over her and off the bed. He didn't reply with his words but the pissed off look on his face told Y/n enough. She took ahold of his hand and held it softly, and to her surprise, Tom didn't jerk it back or resist. "Stay. Please?"

Tom had heard those words before, but they didn't come out of Y/n's mouth- they came from his own mind. Tom was struggling with an internal enemy, one that he couldn't possibly defeat quickly. His heart was his own traitor, but getting rid of it would mean Tom's ultimate demise.

Y/n peered at Tom, searching for an answer. She almost saw a flicker of hesitation, a hint of guilt. But the sensible Tom had awakened, and she knew she couldn't sweet-talk him to stay. Still, she held onto his hand, hopeful that the sentimental Tom that was hidden deep within him would find his way back to her as he did just hours earlier.

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