part vi - gift

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while I initially promised myself to learn more about riddle, the mere sight of him infuriated me. every time I sat next to him in class I couldn't help but think back to the argument we had, which made me bubble up inside with anger. 

for the past three weeks or so, I had tried my best to avoid him. even when we were assigned partner work, I would find any excuse to work alone. why would I want to be around someone who clearly had a grudge against me? at least now the feelings were mutual. 

I had also befriended Fleamont and told him about my encounter with Riddle. He told me about how he never really like him since their first year, but upon hearing about our incident he really started to hate him. 

Tom didn't seem bothered by the fact that we didn't speak for weeks. Sure, he was annoyed when he occasionally tried to talk to me and I ignored him, but other than that he's remained his silent self. 

The first time he spoke to me was exactly a week before the Christmas ball at the library. I had been there with my usual three dormmates studying for our transfiguration exam when Riddle approached me with a stern look on his face. I tried to look the other direction but received stares from the girls as they eyed tom over my shoulder. 

i sighed. "what, riddle?"

"i need to speak to you," he said monotonously. 

finally, i faced him. looking at him for the first time in nearly a month was most definitely a strange feeling, like an itch in the back of my brain had finally been scratched. 

"and why should i speak to you?" 

"you don't have a choice." he turned and walked away to the entrance of the library, motioning me to follow. reluctantly, i got up and left as well. 

he had brought us into a small broom closet by the great hall and locked it shut with a nonverbal spell. 

"well? what is it you so urgently needed to tell me?"

"i'm sorry for the way i behaved earlier." though he didn't show it on his face, i could tell he cringed a bit at the apology. 

i laughed. "after nearly a month you apologize? you're pathetic. don't speak to me again." as i turned to leave, he grabbed my wrist just as he did after the slug club. his grip was tight and constraining as he whipped me back around to face him. the lamp above his head cast a terrifying shadow over his figure as he fashioned his lips into a malicious grin.

"as i said before, you don't have a choice." he dragged and placed me onto the floor opposite the door, blocking my only exit. still holding my wrist, he crouched down so that his face was level with mine, "i give you a sincere apology, so take it. this is an order, not a request, and i don't like being disobeyed." he finally released his grasp and disapparated out before i could even mutter a single word. 

i remained on the floor, rubbing the red mark on my wrist. he was quite the aggressive one, wasn't he? which made me wonder why he would suddenly say sorry about an incident that occurred weeks ago. 

maybe he was preparing for something, something he would need me and my loyalty for. unfortunately for him, it took a lot more than threatening words and a tight grip to scare me. 


In the next two days i didn't see riddle at all, which was odd since he was a prefect and had to maintain good attendance. even Slughorn asked me about his absence, to which i replied with a shrug every time. 

finally, on the third day, he showed up. i wanted to ask him where he was all this time but held a resistant front. as he sat down next to me in potions, i had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying anything to him. i had to remind myself that he was still an arrogant and power-hungry twat even after his half-assed apology. 

From Her Reflection {tom riddle}Where stories live. Discover now