part ix - the ball

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As I entered my dorm room, a bathrobe wrapped around me and my wet hair parted to the side, the cold air prickled at my skin. 

When I had awakened in the hospital wing this morning, the nurses and even Fleamont (though he looked disappointed) insisted that I took the day off and skipped the Christmas ball this evening. Eventually, I was able to convince them that I had just been just fine and that I was just light-headed. 

The dorm was empty except for Nagini who was slithering in her cage by the back wall. My dormmates had surprisingly taken a liking to her and even offered to babysit and feed her on days off. I walked over to my pet, gently petting her scales as she coiled around my fingers. I thought back to the vision from last night, or at least the fragments of it that I remembered. 

It had to be him. After what I had witnessed last night - a contorted and sinister version of Tom trying to murder a woman - I knew the prophecy had to be about him. All at once, the visions and dreams had come together, its binding being Tom. 

I peered at the mirror that stood before me, removing my hands from Nagini and combing my fingers through my washed hair. Whatever it was, I had to be cautious around Tom. My earlier suspicions had only grown stronger, as did the dark aura that radiated around him constantly. 

Suddenly, a voice- the incantations returned with a hint of frustration. It traveled through the glass and filled my room, its voice deep and coarse. Nagini hissed and curled into a tight ball, her upper body perched as if she were prepared for an attack. 

As much as I wanted to go over and calm her down, I couldn't help but also feel threatened. 

"Hello?" I finally spoke into the glass. The noises stopped and silence overtook the room yet again. 

My shoulders slumped in disappointment- I knew there had to be someone on the other side, so for once I thought perhaps it would speak back to me? 

"Hello." the glass spoke, causing me to nearly fall over in surprise. its voice was distinct enough for me to decipher it as a young man's voice. While I was still in utter shock, the mirror spoke again, "Y/n?" 

My eyes widened in shock before pain suddenly struck me, my nerves screaming in agony. The pulsing sensation from last night returned and flowed through my body, striking every muscle in me. I tried to let out a scream for help, but not even air could escape my lungs. Even Nagini began to hiss hysterically as she banged her tail against the metal cage. 

Once the pain became unbearable, I tried to drag myself to the door, one hand clutched around my neck as I struggled to breathe and the other tightly gripped around the brass doorknob. 

Then as quickly as the pain came, it ceased along with the shaking sensation. I tumbled outside of my room, my arms quickly grabbing the sides of my robe to make sure I didn't expose my bare body underneath. Suddenly, I met the strong grip of Tom Riddle, who had an equally shocked look on his face. 

As I composed myself and stood up steadily, I noticed Tom still in his school uniform. 

"Are you not attending the ball tonight?"

"That's hardly any of your business." He said coldly. "You look shaken up."

"Yes, just something very strange has happened."

"Besides running right into my arms?" He said nonchalantly as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes- besides that."

"Really? Because for a moment there you seemed scared of me."

I scoffed. "Why would I ever be scare of you?"

From Her Reflection {tom riddle}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن