part xxvii - horcrux

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thanks for 5k and all your sweet comments!

I would reply to all of them but I think my wattpad is broken bc it keeps deleting my replies :(

++ a lot of mature stories on wattpad have been getting deleted so I turned the mature warning off in story settings but just in case it does get deleted follow me on wattpad! I'll probably tell you guys where I'll be updating my story on ao3 (i'm trying to avoid ao3 and only use it as a last resort option because the format is really confusing LOL) 

also disclaimer! I don't want to romanticize abusive/toxic relationships at all but I also want to keep the story realistic to Tom's character and behavior. so here's just another reminder/warning that this story is dark/angsty/all that stuff but it does not mean I agree or like those types of relationships!

Y/n woke up to the sound of shuffling in her bed. 

Although her eyes were kept shut, she could feel the warmth of the morning sunshine on her bare skin and the sound of birds chirping outside.

She stirred in bed for a moment before rubbing her eyes and reaching over to Tom to shake him awake. When she opened her eyes, however, she had accidentally smacked a poor house-elf in the face. 

"Oh my god-" Y/n jumped back and stared at the creature. The house-elf smiled kindly at the girl, their ears pulling back in a sheepish grin. 

Then Y/n looked around the room and Tom was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that stood out to her was a blank stack of parchment on his desk accompanied by a quill. 

Y/n made her way over and remembered Tom's promise that she could write to her parents. So she quickly took the quill to scribbled down on the paper:

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I will be quick and get straight to the point. 

I am with Tom Riddle. I am safe, we are safe. He is taking care of me, so please do not come and look for me. For your own safety and protection, do as I say. 

I love you to the moon and back, 

Y/n Gryffindor xx

Just as Y/n folded her letter, the house-elf cleared its throat. 

"Miss Gryffindor, Lord Voldemort has requested your presence in the gardens at this time." 

"Thank you- er- what's your name?"

The house-elf seemed taken aback at the question but answered it nevertheless. 

"Dobby, Miss Gryffindor." The elf bowed down as Y/n laughed kindly. 

"Cute name." Y/n curtsied to Dobby before heading out the bedroom door. 

Once she arrived at the back gardens, she spotted Tom standing outside in training gear. He was topless which exposed his toned abs and lean arms, and his hair was swept back by sweat. Y/n had to contain herself as her eyes traveled up and down his body, basically undressing him. 

"Gryffindor, you're late." Tom said, interrupting her dirty thoughts.

"Sorry, your highness," Y/n smirked as she took out her wand and rolled up the sleeves of her (Tom's) jumper. Tom ignored her remark and set himself in an attack stance, his wand at the ready. 

"Tell me, what defense spells do you know?"

Y/n went on a listed them and following each one Tom would demonstrate on some poor Acolyte prisoner that he had chained up against the manor's wall. It was literal torture, but Y/n surprisingly got used to it. The prisoner was, after all, responsible for multiple muggle murders across England. 

From Her Reflection {tom riddle}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora