Part 1

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Barry's POV

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for the murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am the Flash. And this is my story. So I am a CSI for the CCPD, That man over there in that desk that is Joe West, he adopted me when my mother died, he is actually the best detective in Central City, and over there is his partner my adopted sister Maggie Sawyer West, but she'd rather be called Detective Sawyers to honor her mother's death, and there she is the editor-in-chief of CATCO Central, there is four CATCO stationed, One in Star City, One in Coast, One in National, and one in Central, but enough of that this is my lab, and this is Uryu Ishida, he just returned here from visiting his birth town Karukura town, Oh did I mention he's a Quincy he fires arrow to those Hollows, he's cool he actually is my partner as a Forensic Scientist. Joe called us," Uryu, Captain said you will be assigned in District 5 for a few days" Uryu nodded,  "And Barry you will be assigned to Coast City for two days then transferred again in Starling City then go back" He said. I nodded

??? POV

"You think he will answer our call", Mystery man said, the other one nodded, "He's too naïve to ignore this"

Few Hours Later

Barry POV

AHHH, Finally I am at Coast City took a Few Hours of trip but It's fine, Coast City the home of Green Lantern I hope I meet him he's a cool hero. I then bump to a girl. "Oh I am so sorry I did not see you", I said. "No, it's fine, by the way who are you", the woman said. "I am Barry Allen, you?" I said. She replied "I am Carol Ferris", we then shake hands, and then she took off. I am working on a dead as usual case then I met this guy, "Oh hi you're the forensic right?" the man said. I replied, "Yes I am, Barry Allen, who are you?" he replied "Oh yeah right, Hal Jordan and this is-"I cut him off, and said, "Carol Ferris", Carol noticed, "Oh yeah, Hi Barry" I replied, "Hi Carol"


I look so confused how did he know Carol, I then decided to ask, "Uh..., how do you know each other" Carol replied, " Oh we bumped to each other a while ago". Ok good, I then said, "Ok, so what did you find" Barry replied "Well it seems to me that his body was destroy from the inside and the outside was left to original but like it was remotely controlled from the distance and, left with no evidence at all" I said, "So what do you think it is?" He replied "Um.... Maybe an alien I am not sure" Carol said "But why did they do-". Carol was cut off by an explosion, I asked, "What's that". Then the T.V at the street went off to an emergency broadcasting. The broadcaster said, "This is CATCO Coast an explosion emerge at Street 21 and it has some kind of message into in 'Green Lantern show up later night or every people in Coast City will die'

Barry POV

Wow this is a trap, It has to be, I said, "Wow bold move huh". Carol said, "Yeah right". Then I went to my apartment which I bought then I heard a knock on the door, and see it's Carol, I said, "What is it Carol". I saw Carol's tears and she said, "Can you come with me please". I nodded, then we were at I think Hal's apartment and I saw wounded Hal. I asked Carol "what's going on". She said, "Hal faced of those duo and got beat up please fix him" I nodded and come to realization that Hal Jordan is the Green Lantern, I then asked Carol, "He's the Green Lantern?". Carol nodded. I then fix up Hal and went straight to Starling, I gave Hal and Carol a hug. Hal said, "You sure you don't want to stay" I said, "Sorry duty calls, you are welcome to Central City any time" Carol said, "Oh we will soon see you Allen". I smiled and wave good bye. Moments later a guy walk up to me and I saw his article and of course I can't help and point out every wrong sentences in his article and said he said he will let his boss know that I am good in journalism of course thanks to Iris that is"

Time Skip

Barry POV                                                                         

I swear I can't believe that Oliver Queen is the Arrow and then at that moment I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even heard Maggie come up to my room Maggie said, "Hey Try Hard, what you up to?". She nicknamed me as 'Try Hard' well I guess you can guess that now. "Hey Mags, nothing just lonely especially Uryu is still in Karukura Town". "Wanna hangout maybe go to that S.T.A.R Labs thingy" she said and I completed her sentence "S.T.A.R Labs particle accelerator, and yes I would love too" Maggie and Iris are always the best sisters for me. Then we got there and Maggie's purse got stolen you pick the wrong day bud. Then we go to the police station and I got up to my lab and I the city went complete blackout and I am about to close the lid on my roof and the Impossible happened I felt electricity surging through my body before I passed out".

Maggie POV

I was initiating a report on this guy then the city went blackout and then we heard a loud explosion coming from Barry's Lab. The front desk said, "IN ALLEN'S LAB". Me and Joe rushed up there and we saw Barry laying on the ground and we call for medic and sent Barry to the nearest hospital then we informed Iris on what happened to our Barry, We are crying in the hospital not knowing what to do, my brother might die"

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