Chapter 33

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And so, in the next days, Freedom Fighter's attacks around the world have increased significantly to keep Emperor's Eggman forces distracted from their preparation for the attack. Meanwhile Seelkaddom has continued his murderous project around the globe killing Freedom Fighters members and soldiers and even people supporting them. But he did not stop there. He was not only killing people with the assist of Emperor's Eggman army. He was wiping out everything that he had even the suspicion of supporting Freedom Fighters. Entire neighborhoods. Entire villages. Entire cities.

But finally, the day has arrived. Freedom's Fighters army was assembled and ready to depart to "capture" Robotropolis.

- My Princess, I must report you.

- I'm not gonna like the news, am I?

- Seelkadoom destroyed the village of Samotro. Shadow showed up but then vanished. We didn't see Maria or Molly but probably he hid them somewhere. I send some scouts back there, but they are nowhere to be found.

- This asshole again. Damn it! Do we have any survivors?

- No, my Princess. The villagers have been slaughtered till the last one. Some of our men have made it so far but most of them have been also slaughtered or scattered on the four points of the horizon. I'm sorry for my failure, my princess.

- "It's not your fault Edmure. You may go." - Princess Sally sighed but continued. - "I guess that everything is ready now. We must go before this two crazy people kill or robotize every person in this planet. I wish good luck to both of you." - Princess Sally said.

Both Sonic and SG nod and Princess Sally and started walking towards the other side.

- "Oh, and Sonic?" - Princess Sally said.

- "Yeah, Sally?" - Sonic answered.

- "Just...Be careful okay?"

- Don't worry Sally. Everything will be fine. I promise.

Meanwhile some hundred meters away...

- "You know that I love you so much right and that I could do everything for you right?" - Tails said to Cosmo.

- "Then stay here Tails! Don't go there! You may be injured! You may be....

- "Shhhh!" - Tails whispered and put his finger to Cosmo's lips. - "Don't make any negative thoughts Cosmo. Everything will be fine. But I must go. Mobius future depends on this battle. I can't leave my friends fight without me. And except of that every man matters.

- I will not change your opinion no matter what right?

- "No, you will not my love. But I promise I will be back before you even know it."

- "Tails...You are sure that I cannot help you in the battle? I'm not a fighter I know. But I will like to help somehow."

- "Actually, now that I think of that they are is something you can do for me." - Tails said and catch Cosmo from the back softly. - "What about a kiss?"

Tails and Cosmo kissed fiercely for some time, but Tails had to leave. And so, he said goodbye to Cosmo with a kiss in the forehead.

- "I love you Cosmo" - Tails said while he let go of the hand that was holding him tight.

- "I love you too Tails." - Cosmo said while startingto cry.

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