Chapter 16

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- "And why the hell haven't you just go to search for your brother and your sister and decide to come with us?" - Knuckles asked.

Shadow, Sonic, SG and Knuckles have already reached USA and they were into their way to California.

- Because even though there are my sister and brother saving this world and yours is ab bigger purpose. Millions of lives are in stake. And after all I have a feeling that they are alive and well. Believe me both are tough characters.

- Yeah, I bet they have taken this from you SG!

- Ha-ha kinda difficult Sonic, they are older than me! But maybe I have taken it from them.

- "Maybe that's true. Guys! I'm speaking about the Mobius guys SG heh-heh." - Sonic laughed as he looked towards SG- "Have you wondered what is happening during our absence? I mean Dr.Eggman still has the Master Emerald and 3 of the Chaos Emeralds too right?

- "Yeah and with the power of them he will probably already conquer the world." - Shadow was always a man that based his actions in realism and only.

- "Huh! If I was there, he will not even succeed in conquering an inch of land!" - Knuckles said.

- I'm sure that they will be okay. I have left Tails to take care of the others...

- Your little orange ''boyfriend'' will probably going to be dead by now Sonic!

- Hey, Shadow, cut it off!

- Like you can say me what I will do.

- You know that Maria is there, too right? And I don't remember her having any skill to survive in a god damn war.

- I will smash your head you fucking...

- "Relax. Both of you. It's not the time to solve our personal arguments. If you want to quarrel, then do it after we have found answers and solutions to our problems okay?" - SG said.

They have both shaken their head at the sign of agreeing without even saying it. Because they now he was right. They were going to fight for Earth...and Mobius.

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