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Everything was going well, it was hard getting Remus to stay focused, I've told him so many times to stay focused, Roman tells me it was a way for him to get ready, it took a while but he managed to fight with the Earth Element. Now I was explaining on how everything is out of body experience, Virgil panickedly asked, "How? We are only his sides, how is this possible?" "Let me get to that," I said, calmly, "I get that you, his sides, are imaginary, but it only works on him, you guys are just figments of his personality, when he steps out of his body, you guys appear before him." "Oh, so it only works for real living people, basically right?" asked Logan. I nodded, "You are totally safe from being seen by anyone, only I, and himself can see you guys." "So, what about his friends?" asked Janus. I blantly said, "I do not want to take any risk of what I am doing to be out in the open, and being seen as a threat to anyone, not to mention, being experimented on." The sides shudders at the thought, including Remus, which is odd, maybe I did something that made him realize on what is going on is really happening before him.

Yes, I still fear of being experimented on, I just don't want to lose everything that I have, Virgil broke the silence, "So why did you give us power ups?" "Because someday this world will no longer be safe for any of you to live here," I said, "You have a home where you are safe and protected at all times, I'll be sure of it." "We'll fight alongside you if need be," said Roman, "You do not have to fight alone." "True, but you are not battle ready," I said, "You need to do more training before I can say that it's time for testing your strength and chosing a form of your liking." "Form?" asked Logan. Thank goodness that I am in Soul form, I turned into my Centaur form, Roman freaked out, "Whoa, what the hell happen to you?!" "Roman, language," said Patton. Virgil said to Patton, "Actually Patton, it is the right time to use that kind of language after what we are seeing before us." "So, what are you in this form?" asked Logan, who is trying to keep it together. I responded, "This is one out of 2 forms that I have, in this form, I am just a regular Centaur, my second form well I need to be out in the open in order for me to show you guys without breaking anything."

We all went outside, into his backyard more likely, his sides helped me through the tiny doorway because I didn't want to change back and turn into it again, thankfully my horse body is not that huge, it's more of a Zebra like body. Thomas said, "Alright, show us, this second form." As soon as he said that, my wings came out, "This is my final form, called the PteroCentaur or Winged Centaur." "Alright, so do we have to have a form or what?" asked Thomas. I shrugged, "I mean, you don't have to but it can enhance your powers if you turn into them when you have no other choice." "So, in other words, we don't have a choice in the matter," said Logan. I nodded, "Because I'm going to explain another thing on why it matters." So I explained everything about Hollows and the Elemental Hollows, Thomas got the idea, "So, the Rainbow Elemental Spirit, how do we get it to show up?" "It's already inside of you, how else are you seeing me in my Centaur form?" I asked. They all nodded in agreement, I tell them, "Now pick any form of creature, it can be real or mythical, anything, it does not matter. Just as long as it's not Spiderfolk." Virgil pouts, "Can I have a familiar that's a spider?" "Oh, yes, definitely," I said, "Reason why I said not the Spiderfolk, I have yet to see one but I was told that they are our enemy." "Alright never mind about chosing one," said Virgil, giving up the idea of being one I'm guessing.

I'm kinda having an idea of what they might chose, I'm just going to wait because it takes a lot of thinking and Roman does not think unless it's creative thinking, I know from experience, I'm like that as well, so I decided to help them through, so I went into deep thought then I got the perfect forms for them, "Got it all figured out for you guys." "Let's hear it," said Logan. I turned to him, "Logan, since you love to read and think logically, I have decided that you are going to be an Elf Wizard, because both Angel and Valkyrie does not suit you." "An Elf who is also a Wizard, perfect and wonderful choosing for me," said Logan. I went to all of them, "Roman, your first form is a Lion and your second form is a Dragon. Patton, you are going to be a half human half deer, this creature is called Fauns, Virgil, you have 2 forms of werecats, Remus, you are going to be this creature known as a Cecaelie, it's a half human and half octopus, Janus, you are going to be turning into creature called Zhuyin, it's hybrid between a human and a snake. Finally you, Thomas Sanders, I couldn't pick which one was better for you so I went with a Satyr." "I'm happy with that," said Thomas, "Just as long as you remain the only Centaur in the Elemental Realm." I smiled, yes I just realized that I am and the Wraith wants to keep it that way, but rules must be broken when I said, "Not only that, but you can turn into a Unicorn, or a Horned Centaur, same with you Patton." "Are you sure about that?" asked Janus. I sighed, "I don't like the thought of being the only one, it would make me feel so lonely."

Life Novel: Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now