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I was being called by phone from Ichigo saying that I should return because it was getting dark, but I was planning on staying the night in this cottage and that's what I responded with, he never replied back so I assume that he knew I was trying to figure out a way to get back without getting mugged or anything because that was the only reason why. I was at the dining table while Mugetsu was making us something which I didn't want him to do that but he kept insisting that he should, man, he knows my weakness for eating before sleeping, I asked, "Are you like that or are you just doing that because I eat in my sleep?" "You eat in your sleep," he said, bluntly. Damn, that hurt, well, can't argue with that, "Isn't the sunset beautiful?" "Yeah, makes me thanking you for giving me my own life," he said, "It is very beautiful to the point of me finding myself someone to love." "That quick? Take it easy, Mugetsu," I said, "Time is precious." Then he saw a glow from the portal room, "You said an element, which means you need to find out who is worthy of this fragile element." "Every element is fragile," I said, "Time is extremely delicate, get it right." "Oh right, my bad," he said. It makes me feel awful that he is living all alone in this cottage, he could see this thought process, "Just invite Esperanza and Shiro to live here I mean there is plenty of room here." "Oh that's right," I said, "But they are in Hueco Mundo so we can't." "Oh really, is that how it is?" asked Shiro, from behind. Esperanza said, "You could've said something, Mugetsu." "I didn't want to ruin your precious time together," he said.

Those 2 blushed like a tomato and a blueberry, I giggled, "You guys are the cutest. I can see why you dig Shiro, Esperanza." "Hey!" she shouted, "That is not the only reason, I swear." "What is it then?" asked Mugetsu. We were teasing the 2 like it was nothing, then the moment was ruined when some idiot started angrily banging on the door, Mugetsu answered, "What? Oh, Ichigo." "Step aside," he said in a very rude way. I saw Shiro kiss Esperanza's cheek thinking that he was slick, I called him out, "Hey, Shiro, what happened to being heartless?" "Oh man, I changed alright?" he asked, "Plus for some reason my hollow hole was plugged up when I got my element powers." "That's right, Mugetsu said that you have the Beast Elemental," I said. He nodded his head, I said, "Apparently I'm the Love Elemental." "Which explains that charm you always had," said Shiro, "Because it is still very hard for me to come up with something hateful and nasty." "Yeah, no kidding," I said, "You think I do not know that, Grimmjow was trying very hard to be mean." "I saw it all," said Esperanza, "He became a wild cat in public but when it comes to only her, he turns into a literal kitten." "Did he miss me?" I asked. Esperanza scoffed, "You have no idea, he was acting like a moopy cat." "I was told that he and Nel got together," I said, "Is that true?" "Yep," said Shiro, "Esperanza has the photos." "I want to see them," I said, "Though at the same time, I don't." "Ahem, anyways, the reason why I was here is because Akari, your friend came over the house," said Ichigo, "I swear do not hang out with him, he speaks bad news."

I guess this is the start of a new path in our relationship between the two of us, me and Ichigo, I could not believe I missed Alex, Mugetsu tells him, "You don't control her life anymore, matter of fact, you are not her father. Let her hang out whoever she wants, if she likes this guy before then odds are your opinions do not matter." "Fine, but I better not see him trying to harm you," he said, storms out. Ichigo was never like this, did he forget on who my parents are? Man, Onyx, guys, I'm going to get you back one way or another.

The next few days, we went back to the mall, this time I was determined to get someone back from being gone for too long, this was starting get too much to the point where I have to get Rukia and Renji be my personal guards away from Ichigo. Heck, Orihime was standing up for me because I was spending too much time doing nothing but reading so I could get a degree in writing, that's my only goal in life right now, is to be an author. Orihime likes where I love to create things and come up with using my imagination, Ichigo likes me to be productive, I'm trying my hardest to keep the peace but it's getting to the point where it's effecting me in battle against a Hollow where Mugetsu had to save me. Ichigo is feeding this negative feeling and he doesn't know that it was effecting me, I went straight to the center of the food court, the stage was still there, same with Alex and some strange girl, I walked up the stage, "Alex?" "Hm? Oh, Akari, it's so good to see you again," he said. I pointed her out, "Who is she?" "Just a coworker," he said, "She keeps saying that I need to focus on one girl only, my mind never left you so I was determined to see you again." "So, she's not your girlfriend," I said. He scoffed, "She keeps that I am hers but I always end up having enough of her. My heart was already belonged to someone else and that was you, Miss Akari. Or should I say Lady Love?" I never blushed so fast before, "You know on who you are?" "Yes, how could I forget on who I was previously, I was called Ulquiorra Schiffer," he said, "Now, I know someone who wishes to be with me for the rest of her life." I smiled, "I missed you so much, you made me feel like I was the only one in the world."

He led to the front of the stage, started to play a playlist of songs that me and Onyx would always sing along to, but the first song he played was When Legends Rise from Godsmack, I sang from the top of my lungs, somehow singing was keeping this feeling at bay and making it go away, then Must Be Nice from Nickelback played, I hear his honeyed voice, then everyone hears this voice and thought that I could multiple voices, I'm at Soprano level, how? Then Ignite played, I got him back, because the rapping part was only done by Onyx, then heard Levy's voice saying Yang, I was seeing Ichigo, Orihime, and Kazui coming around the corner. I never felt so energized ever since I woke up, only Onyx makes me feel this way, after the song we hugged each other, I gave him the greatsword back, he took it and strapped it to his back, then a few songs that we always sang together, Alex came up, "Who is this?" "This is my only brother, Onyx GrimPanther," I said, "He's the true definition of Darkness." He nods in agreement, I could tell that he is also happy that he is back, "So, this is Alex Cifer, formerly as known was Ulquiorra Schiffer, how does it feel to be resurrected?" "Feels great," said Alex, "Though I was used to being called Alex Cifer, so I guess you guys can call me either of those." "Nah, we are not going make you confused by doing that," said Onyx. I felt like crying because I got him back, they gladly sat me down so I could let it all out while Onyx kept hugging me until I said something, not only did I see the Kurosaki's but I was seeing Renji, Rukia, their daughter, Esperanza, Shiro, and Mugetsu coming into view.

Onyx took the stage and sang Blue on Black from 5 Finger Death Punch, that band was his jam to listen to when training and I was watching him, Esperanza, Shiro, and Mugetsu were making their way at a fast pace, only reason they were seeing a Black Panther hollow taking the stage, same with Renji and Rukia but they were ready to take him out. They don't know that it's Onyx because of his change of appearance, I mean he still has Ebony skin, his eyes are the same, wait, his clothing, "Onyx, come here for a moment." He walks over, "Thank goodness because they look like they are about to go berserk on my ass!" I couldn't help but laugh, this is Onyx alright, who else talks like that other than him? He made a cloud of darkness go above and around him, he came out looking like his old self, "I feel much better, I swear Talon has no sense of style." I giggled, then we started the next setlist, this time was Back from the Dead from Skillet, basically the setlist were all Skillet, Nickelback, and Avenged Sevenfold songs, that's enough to bring everyone back. I think I am having way too much fun with Onyx here because he brung the emotion to life, then came the song called The Resistance. I started to feel water coming down on me, so does Onyx because I heard in my head, "Hello, Akari, it's Levy." I put more emotion into my singing same with Onyx, just hearing her voice alone was enough to get her trident back, we stayed there, I do not know I lost count, but I got Onyx back, that's enough for me to go about my day.

Ichigo sees him, "Who is this freak?" "Who are you, Strawberry?" he sassed, "Lovely to see you again, after so long, this is what I get? Wow, I thought you loved me, oh wait, I don't go that way, bro." I was holding in my laughter, Onyx is back and he never backs down to anyone not even Ichigo if I remember correctly, he sees Mugetsu, looks at me, "Who is the lady?" "Onyx! Be nice," I said to him. Orihime says, "I knew it was him, Onyx, welcome back." "Yeah, hey, Princess," he said, bowing to her. Well her name Orihime is 'Princess' and he always treats her like a princess, I tell Onyx, "By the way, that lady, he's not really happy on that comment." "Well, sorry, dude or ma'am, you really look like a girl with all that long ass hair," said Onyx. I cleared my throat, he looks to see Kazui, "Ah, damn, sorry little man." "Are you related to her?" asked Kazui, pointing at me. Onyx nodded, "I was the first born, she was the second." He turned to Mugetsu, "Hey, sorry, man or lady." "Onyx, just stop," I said, knowing he won't. Mugetsu crossed his arms, pouting, I could hear him mutter, "It took me forever to get it like this." Which made me laugh even more, we went back home and Onyx already loves Kazui, once we got into the vechile, he was silent for one minute, then he kept Kazui entertained on the tales he and I used to do. When we got inside of the house, Ichigo tells Onyx, "Unforunately there is not enough room for you." "The hell there is," I snapped, "Onyx could sleep in the closet." I would do anything for Onyx to stay, they just looked at me. Onyx happened to say, "I don't think it's big enough for all of me." "I can make you fit," I said. Both Ichigo and Onyx went, "Whoa, Akari!" "Not like that you dumbasses," I said, "Get your heads out of the gutter."

Life Novel: Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now