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4 months goes by, everything is going great right now, I'm very good friends with Brian, Johnny, and Brooks, I'm working my way up to Matt because I get the feeling that he knows that something is going on. My conversations with Jimmy was nothing but friendly talks and goof around, I guess Jimmy was only doing that to calm my nerves down on what was going on.

Zacky was on the level of being like a brother to me, I didn't even know that Onyx had left. Basically, I had the confidence to put everyone at rest of worrying about someone vice versa. I may be Half Hollow and Half Shinigami, I still need to do my duties as a Soul Reaper to put souls at rest or send them to Hell. I already told Rev that since he passed away due to an unfair cause of death because I was now told on what happened to him, he's not going to Hell for what had happened to him, surprisingly he hasn't turned into a Hollow yet.

He was a great company, he keeps me happy day after day, including at night, I thrive on laughter, I know I have a path a head of me. But, this request Zacky sent to the cottage's mailbox, I could not ignore because it would've been burned or thrown away either way. I had a huge argument with my OWN brother on what I stand for, I know that Love is not my true element but I stand for something else. Onyx saw the different change and he didn't like it one bit, all because I was defending a friend who needs to put at rest, I was not allowing him to do anything on what I still stand for.

Rev even told me that I didn't had to fight for him, that's when I tell him that I was seeing on why he hasn't turned yet. Rev asked, "What do you mean by turned?" "Where I am from, within a short period of time, Souls who has not found help with Soul Reapers, would turn into Hollows," I explained, "I and many of my friends, we are a special kind of Hollows, we are elemental Hollows, we fight to protect our home from evil. But that's some of what the case that you are going through, you were supposed to be a Hollow by now, but you are still remaining on what you are now."

"Is that a good thing?" he asked. I nodded, "But it will happen to you if you want to fight for your life again, do you wish to be alive again? If so, come with me, I'll train you to becoming alive again, I can make it happen for you." "Do you only have this ability?" he asked, "This is a lot for me to process and hear that from you. Wouldn't your friends and family be upset that you are doing this without their help?" "That does not matter to me anymore, James Owen Sullivan!" I yelled at him, "I was sent here by Zachary Baker because he wanted me to put you to rest, but I think that you don't want to be put to rest, you want to become alive again."

He looks behind me, I look to see Brian, or should I say Synyster Gates, with a shocked expression, "You were sent here by Zacky? I knew that you had a thing for him." "No, that's not what he sent me for," I said, "He was right, you don't know a bloody thing on what is truly happening, stupid fool." I turned my back, facing Rev again, Jimmy was shocked that I was taking this situation like this was nothing, I've dealt with many things, this is nothing compared to what I fought against.

Rev asked, "What do I have to do? Should I train with someone else?" I shook my head, softly spoke, "I said I was going to train you." "Oh yeah, but how are you going to train me without anyone seeing us?" he asked. I held up my hand, he went silent, I turned to Gates, "I order you to leave my house at once!!" "Whoa, I don't think you know me," he said, "I don't follow orders for someone who is younger than me." "Oh yeah, I might have lied about my age and name, Brian Elwin Haner Jr, son of the Guitar Guy," I mocked his tone of voice.

He just looked at me like I've lost my head, then left, I locked my front door, closed all the windows, locked them, darkened my entire house, "Alright here is what you need to do." "I'm listening," he said. I made my hand glow and out came a katana, smiled at him, "You seemed to pass my test of being a good soul." "What the hell is that?" I hear the word, I pulled it back, "Now here are my rules, before I hand this and your powers to you." "Great, rules," he groaned. I snapped at him, "Do you want to devour your entire friends and family as a mindless monster?!"

Life Novel: Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now