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Ichigo ended up telling me that I have to wait until the morning because it was getting late, man, I've been sleeping for so long, I don't think of going to sleep because I'm afraid of not waking up. That's when that terrible feeling came back only for a bit because a tiny black cat with violets eyes came to my side and I slept throughout the night, it was the nicest thing that I could have. Morning came, I got ready to go see on where the location of the cottage, I looked around to only see no one, I wonder if I made a bad plan of going to where the cottage was, ah the hell with it, so I went to it anyways. I got up super early because it was REALLY that far away and it takes a lot of hours to get there, I reached the top of the mountain where it all happened. I went close to where I had the barrier then I saw someone tending the flowers, it was someone with long, wavy jet black hair, I called out, "Excuse me, ma'am?" "Hm," a husky voice came from the person. Alright, my bad, I forgot that some guys have long hair but not this long, he turned around to seeing me first but not fully to where I could see his face but I could see his nose and some bits of his mouth, then he saw Orihime, Ichigo and Kazui following behind. Ichigo sees the figure, "What the, who are you?" "Funny you should ask," said the guy. I was seeing Ichigo being protective again, stepped in front of me, "Don't try to be creepy with us, tell us on who you are." "Ichigo Kurosaki, son of Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki, wielder of Zangetsu, husband of Orihime Inoue, father of Kazui Kurosaki, brother of Karin and Yuzu, cousin of Akari Itsuki," the figure said.

We both looked at each other, then he continued, "Akari Itsuki, daughter of Serene Jewel and Talon GrimEarth Itsuki, niece of Solar Ember, Raven, Levy, Jasper Kuchiki and Isshin Shiba, sister of Onyx GrimPanther, cousin of Ichigo Kurosaki and Byakuya Kuchiki, Elemental Wielder, and the Love Elemental." "Wait how do you know all of this?" asked Ichigo, "This is all too much information that you are giving away." Then that exact pain and feeling came back, it was stronger than before, the figure senses this because I felt a soothing vibration coming from the ground humming. I asked, "May we see the front of you, sir?" "Gladly," he said calmly. He turned, it was the Final Getsuga Tensho form, Mugetsu, it didn't look like he was wearing a flowing dress anymore no, he was wearing clothes that matches his chosen color scheme, that was black, dark grey, red, and dark blue. I happen to ask, "Do you still have those markings?" "I always will have them," he said, showing the marks, "It's a part of me so of course I'm going to have these underneath my armor." "Armor, you mean clothes," said Ichigo. Mugetsu sighed, "No, my armor." Then he touched his shirt, "Well I'll be damn, it's something I need to get use to because I remember having armor and-," I cut him off by saying, "you were wearing a skirt and that made me think that you were a woman."

I got the look of offended off of Mugetsu, I never felt this relief in my life, he ends up saying, "It's not a skirt, it was a kilt, Sicko!" I burst out laughing because he walked away like the Grinch, I was having fun with him, with Ichigo, not so much, he was trying to process on how did Mugetsu get his own body same with the other Shiro. I shouted, "Oh hey, I was sent here by Esperanza Zauberin." "Come on in then," he shouted back. We went inside, it was exactly what I thought it would look like after so long, Mugetsu said, "Yeah, I moved in here shortly after Aizen was captured and I got my own body." "Are you going to tell us how you got your own body?" asked Orihime. He chuckled, "Gladly, Akari, that hairclip you broke, not only did it make the Elemental Realm slash plane, it also was chosen for a few people or forms that you wished were having their own body, it could resurrect or give life." "Oh," I said, "So, you and Shiro were 2 of the forms Ichigo took to have a life of your own." "Well, I'm not the only one, same with Shiro," said Mugetsu, "There's the Dangai form, but you'll meet him soon enough." "Are there any forms that I took have come to life?" asked Ichigo, "How is this possible?" "Do you want your Old Man Zangetsu to be given a life?" asked Mugetsu. Ichigo immediately said, "No, I do not want him to make any crazy choices." "Good because odds are that is what he'll end up doing," said Orihime.

As we were about to leave, Mugetsu had a hold of my wrist, I looked at him, he knows on what was within me, "We'll help you find peace, Nikushimi." After that, he tapped my forehead and I fainted, he caught me thankfully, I shortly woke up seeing that I was back inside, "What did you do to me?" "I tapped your forehead to let that little problem yours at bay," said Mugetsu, "Here is my number if it becomes unbearable for you to continue doing on what you want to do." "True or I want to go away from a situation that is too much for me," I said. Mugetsu says, "You can do that without telling me because I know that you are willing to get them back, trust me, you want them back and so do I." "Yeah, I do," I said, "I miss them so much." "Well, Onyx wanted you to have this," he said, showing me Onyx's greatsword. I took the sword, I could feel the power flowing through the weapon, I then noticed that Mugetsu has two Orcish daggers and two black gaunlets, "Are you a fighter?" "Hm, oh yeah, well, I haven't tested them out yet, I was hoping to join on the Hollow hunt soon," said Mugetsu. I asked, "Why not now?" "Are you going to handle some Hollows?" he asked back. I tell him, "It's my life job in the Soul Society." "Alright then, let's go," he said, went into his soul form. Guys, he looked exactly the same when I saw Ichigo turn into him, only thing that was missing was his face mask, he looked down, "Ah, great, this again, well, never gonna change on what I have in the beginning." "Let's go kill some Hollows," I said.

We went together to find Hollows, and Mugetsu spotted some and dealt with them by his daggers. I noticed a shadowy aura going around him, "What power do you have?" "I am the Shadow Elemental," he said, "My power comes from Dark, Ice, Fire, and Wind. That's it." "So what power did you link your daggers?" "Dark and Wind," he said, "The gaunlets have the other 2 elements, want to see them in action?" "Sure, I would love to," I said. I stood on the sidelines so I could see this man punch a hollow with elemental gaunlets, I started to see Fire blast and Ice Blast going left to right, this is amazing, I ditched my falchion because I was more familiar with the greatsword, so I casted Shadow Blast, a big aura of darkness went towards the Hollow and killed it. I think I'm going to hold on to the greatsword until I get use to holding my falchion or I find a way to get them back, mainly Onyx, Mugetsu could see this from afar on where he was, he came to me and goes, "Look, I know that you want him back just get a little adjusted to finally be awake after so long." "You have a point, Mugetsu," I said, "I almost called you something but I don't want you to feel offended." "What were you going to call me?" he asked. I replied, "Muggy or Blackberry." He just looked at me with a straight, yet funny face, "Call me neither of those." "Both? Alright, Muggy," I said, smiling, I need someone to give me a good laugh other than calling Ichigo 'Strawberry' because I have a feeling he's not going to react the way I wanted him to.

We went back to the cottage after hunting Hollows for the day, I noticed that he was going to the direction where the portal was. That's right, there is a portal linked to that realm, I followed behind, Mugetsu says this, "There was a legend that there were 13 main elements within this realm, this realm and those elements were guarded by defenders who have elements of their own. I have the Shadow Elemental, you have the Love Elemental, Esperanza has the Magic Elemental, and Shiro has the Beast elemental, each individual has a unique ability that the others do not have. Akari, who else did you meet before you did that sacrifice?" "I met Volaris, Velvet, Sana, and Momoko," I said, "when I woke up, I met some others, Janela Ackles and Alex Cifer." He pointed to the symbols on the ground, a music note, a shamrock, a sun, moon, crystal, and a chaos symbol were glowing when I said those names. "So they are elementals as well? How come that they did not tell me?" I asked. Mugetsu explained, "We are linked to you because not only are you a defender but you are the 14th main elemental, that has yet to be discovered." "So, I have to say their names in order for their powers to wake up? Makes sense in a way," I said, "So who's going to be Energy and Void?" "You have to find out yourself because even I don't know," he said, "I came alive because Ichigo touched you while he was in this form same goes for the Vasto Lorde form and the Dangai form." "Let's just say that I have a blindspot and it's the back of me," I said, "It's been always like that, especially when I'm panicked to the point I was this close of letting Aizen getting near this cottage." "Yeah we need to fix that," said Mugetsu.

Life Novel: Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now