chapter 27 / annoying birds and three familiar brats

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A soft touch, gentle warmth, the feeling of love. I never wanted to wake up from this dream. It seemed so real. Almost as if the deep beguiling voice was really there, whispering into my ear.

Hot tears and anger build up in my heart as my sweet dream was ripped away by the deafening sound of an obnoxious seagull that had chosen to screech right into my ear.
"I will kill you!"
Furious I opened my eyes, ready to murder every single one of these annoying birds that happened to be in my proximity.
I had guessed correctly. Right before me on the sand stood a messenger seagull, staring daggers at me with its beady little eyes.
"Leave me alone."
Grumpily I closed my eyes and cuddled up to the warmth of my dream that somehow hadn't disappeared yet.
"Ugh, what do you want?!?"
Livid I sat up, ripping away from what ever had been hindering my movement.
(*Annoyed groan*)
I froze.
Hold on, what was that? What is this?
Something was clinging onto me. Something big, warm, strong-

Wait it wasn't a dream???

Wide eyed I stared at the well build raven haired male that was now snuggling to my waist. He grunted in annoyance at my sudden movement but only tightened his embrace.
Brilliant red shot up into my cheeks as I observed my way to attractive friend.
He looks super sweet when he's asleep.
Chuckling I ruffled his hair.
Reminds me of-

"Outch! You little- now you've done it!"

Coating my hand in Haki I prepared myself to smack my unwanted guest all the way through the grand line. However fortune didn't seem to be on my side today. The obnoxious creature had sensed the sudden wave of bloodlust that emanated from my figure.(I had forgotten to control my aura.)
It gave a terrified screech and escaped before I could go and take my revenge for waking me up from my sweet dream.
Although it wasn't a dream... ARG stop it Y/N you're getting distracted again!

"Noooo! Why are you still here?"
The crazy bird had actually dared to not take flight and instead sat on a close by tree branch, screeching even louder.
What did I do to deserve this?
And how is he not waking up from this noise?
Ticked off I tried to push Ace away. But he didn't budge. He was stuck to my waist and clearly not about to move.
Sighing I gave up on the matter.
"You are lucky that I care for you Ace."
If he was any other guy I would have sent him flying in a matter of seconds. But I didn't want to hurt him. Therefore I opted to stay where I was and stare daggers at the annoying bird.
If I at least had some water I could knock it out with some fishman karate. The sea is really playing me me today.

As I tried to tune out the nerve-wracking screeches I let my eyes wander around.
For the first time I scanned the area, observing the scenery around us. We were on a beach, the ocean was calm and the sun already stood quite high.
I guessed it was around noon. Something that was supported by a frightening growl that escaped my dear friends stomach.

It was only then that I noticed the newspaper that was placed next to me.
Really? You've got to be kidding me.
"Is this why you are harassing me?"
I waved the newspaper towards the seagull and it again answered with an accusing screech.
"Seriously I was sleeping! Why would you try to sell newspapers to someone fast asleep? If I were a corpse would you annoy me until I returned from the dead to pay you?
I don't even need any newspapers right now."


"This is basically robbery you know?"


"Aren't you employed by the world government? I didn't know they supported such criminal activity."

(*Screech! Screeeeech! Screech!!!*)

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