chapter 22 / master of haki

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3rd person POV
(Down on the blue sea)

"What was that?!"

"You felt it too, huh?"

"I wonder who caused that."

"Captain! Our men are collapsing!"

"They sure are huh?"

"What is happening? Are we under attack?"

"Interesting, there is not many who can cause a wave of conqueror's Haki this strong. They might even be on par with you captain."

"Or better."


"Do you see the culprit?"

"Uh, no."

"Do you know where that wave came from?"

"I'm- not sure."

"Then let me clear that up for you. It came from there (points towards the sky)."

"What? The sky? That's not possible noone has Haki that strong!"

"Seems like things are about to get interesting."


(Back on the Ukuthula Island)

Screeching animals fled as dark aura of bloodthirst sped towards the fight on the southern part of Ukuthula island.
As if the devil itself had ascended to seek revenge on those foolish enough to awake it from its slumber, definite doom felt even on the blue sea below was headed towards the ever multiplying craters, disturbing the sky's peaceful quiet.

But midst this penetrating presence another formidable aura arose soaring towards it.
Irritated by the sudden appearance of another extremely powerful aura, the seemingly unstoppable monster was distracted from it's original goal.

The new presence drew nearer and nearer, fearless of the dark figure readying it's annihilating attack.
Five more seconds, four, three, two, *jump*.
And the deadly aura flew through the sky, ready to pounce on what dared to stand in its way.


"You stupid emotional moron!"
Pain ripped through my body as a familiar voice pulled me out of the darkness.

"Ouch! What the- Who hit me!? Lou? What happened? Wait, someone is destroying our home! I'm sorry Lou I have do get going. Don't worry I'll be sure to stop them!"

"Ouch! That hurt! Why did you hit me Lou?"

"You stupid stupid hothead!!! What do you think you're doing? Losing control like that over such a little matter. You could have killed us all you know. I can fix the damage the Intruders are causing on the island, but if you go on a rampage it will damage our home to an extent that even I can't rewind!"

"I- I'm sorry. I guess I let my emotions get ahead of myself... again."

"Seriously, what would you do without me?"

"I love you Lou! You're the best!"

"Yeah yeah I know."

"So tell me what did I miss?"


"Eh? Ace is fighting the captain of the Intruders?"

"Yes and you should leave it to him. It's great training."

Lou and I where walking towards the fight whilst she updated me on the current situation.
I wonder how Ace is doing. He has shown incredible growth the past year, however he still hasn't reached his true potential.

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