chapter 38 / a sister's scorn

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"Are you sure you've got everything?"

Sighing in exasperation I turned to fix my brother with a serious stare. This was the sixteenth time I had to answer that question in the past hour. How did I know? I counted. And I really didn't feel like answering him again. What did he expect? That my answer would change after reassuring him a hundred times that everything was in fact prepared?

"You act like I'm going on a year long expedition, brother. I'm ready. I didn't bring much to begin with and the Lutz has everything one could need anyway. Now please get going. Your part of the ceremony is about to start and we can't leave before S/N comes on board."

When an elf dies family and friends guide their soul into the afterlife. This is a very important ritual in elven society which takes place over days if not even weeks. A person with a strong connection to the dead individual has to stay by the passed ones side and enter a state of prolonged meditation in which their spirit reaches out to the soul of the passed one. The person conducting the ritual is called soul guider. If the soul guider manages to reach out to the passed spirit they will go on to help guide it out of it's earthly body and to the gates of the afterlife. Depending on the life a person has led it will be easy or harder to release the soul from the body. Therefore the time this ritual takes could vary greatly.
As for some people the ritual could take weeks to complete it became a custom for the friends and family of the passed individual to take turns acting as soul guider.
My sister was first and now it was my brother's turn. I would be the last to serve as soul guider.
However before I would do so I was going to take Ace away. I didn't want to keep him locked in that old room any longer. Therefore I had decided to heed the advice the master had given me when I visited him during my latest excursion to the past. I would take Ace to a certain individual.

I hope this guy is actually any good.
I worried as I readied the Luz for our departure. All that was now missing was my sister. She was going to tag along with us as her home was on the way to our destination.
Come on B/N. You've got to go and release S/N from her duty. She can't stop the soul guiding without you taking over.
I nagged internally, sending my brother a glare that seemed to finally convey the message.

"Alright, alright. I'm leaving. Stay safe Y/N."

He said, defensively throwing up his arms. But he did not yet leave. As his eyes scanned the ships deck one last time they halted on Ace whom was leaning against the railing a few meters away from us. Swiftly B/N walked up to him and pulled him to the side.

"You better take good care of my Y/N, you hear me? If you cause her a single tear I will make you regret it for the rest of your life. Jokes aside it was nice to meet you, Ace. I hope I'll see you again someday."

He whispered, making me sigh: I can hear you idiot. Ace however didn't mind my brother's antics. Giving B/N a hearty grin, he patted him on his back, laughing before answering him seriously:

"Of course. Thank you very much for hosting me."

I'm glad they get along.
Smiling at my thoughts, I watched my brother finally hop off the ship.
Giving us one last wave, he returned to Shantital, taking over the role that I would have to play when it was my turn to guide my parents souls. My turn to say goodbye one last time.


Ace's POV

I'm going to get a reward, Huh?
Dangling from one of the Lutz's masts, I kept watch of the sea. However these days I wasn't very diligent at my guard duty. Spacing out I found myself wondering what Y/N was planning this time.

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