chapter 29 / loosing my cool

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3rd Person POV

As the sun began to sink behind the horizon of the east blue the peaceful silence of an uninhabited island, a days 'swim' away from the Goa Kingdom, was broken by the bickering of two soaked individuals, making their way to the top of a small mountain.

"I swear Y/N do I look like a fish to you? Why can't we just use a ship like normal people?"

"I don't know if you have noticed, but I'm not 'normal people'. So no."

"Oh come on, you usually travel by ship as well. Wait- you are just enjoying seeing me suffer aren't you?! Y/N!"

With playful anger the taller male jumped the laughing female tickling her until she pleaded for him to stop.

"Mystery b- I mean Ace, stop! Please I can't breathe!"

"Nah, this is my revenge."

"Please! Come on we have to get going. Otherwise we'll miss our flight. Or do you want to swim again?!"

That seemed to have done the trick as the dark haired male immediately froze mid tickle.

"We're going to fly?"

"Yes, if we get there in time. Now get of me."

The handsome man was about to move when he noticed the position they were in. His pupils constricted as he took in the sight before him. He was sitting on top of the woman pinning her arms down with one hand, while his other was hovering over her torso, which it had roamed during his tickle spree.


Confused the girl looked up to the normally smooth and quick-witted pirate who had completely frozen in place.
A red hue painted his cheeks as his brain started to process the picture before him.
The elf's still slightly wet hair was a mess poking out in every direction, standing in stark contrast to her clear (e/c) eyes that were staring up at him, encapturing his soul.


Dang it, did I use my mermaids charm again? No I didn't sing... Ace are you ok?"

With a swift action the woman switched their positions ripping away from the entranced pirates grasp. Seeing his blushing face she immediately began checking his temperature, cursing herself under her breath.

"Oh no please don't be sick. I'm such an idiot how could I drag him though the cold water for so long. Good job Y/N. Aren't you a great doctor. Huh?"

The elf's rant was stopped as a strong hand grabbed her by the arm. She had been so preoccupied with cursing herself, that she hadn't noticed that her companion had finally snapped back to reality. Although his cheeks were still tinted red, he seemed to be back to normal again.

"Geez, stop nagging at yourself my ears hurt."

"Ace! Are you alright? Come on we've got to get going. You seem to have gotten a fever."

"A fever? No way I've never been sick. Well except for combat injuries. You think I'm that weak?"

"But you're all red and you're face is super hot."

"So you find my face hot, huh?" (Cue his freaking sexy grin. Sorry I'll stop now.)

"You a**hole I will never worry about you again!"

"Eh, so you don't like me? Why are you still on top of me then?"

"You are so lucky I care about you."
The elf growled, crawling off the way to attractive pirate and turning to continue their way. The man hurried to follow her, but seemed to have far too much fun, teasing her as to stop.

"What was that?"

"Say Ace, why don't you zip it for a second. Before I cause you a lot of pain."

"Kinky, I didn't know you were into that stuff."

"Careful sweety, you're masochistic side is showing."


"You're practically begging for me to wipe that sh*t eating grin of you're face. Though I have to say it would be a pity to ruin that handsome face of yours. Thankfully for you it goes against my principles to raise a hand against a patient."

"Y/N it's been like three years since you've had to treat me. How am I still you're patient?"

"You're right. Maybe I should give you a proper beating."

"Hey Y/N-"

"No, not now Ace! I'm not in the mood for banter right now."

Red faced the female sped up her walk, making the man fall behind and not noticing that his expression had turned serious.
With a sigh he looked up to the steadily darkening sky, continuing his sentence.

"What am I to you?"


Author's note:

I wanted to move the story forward a little faster but since it's Christmas I decided to give you a little romantic extra.
Hope you like it.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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