Family and Football (Steven Tyler x Joe Perry)

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Joe and Steven had been best friends for years. At some points they questioned if it was more than "friendship." They were family and they were inseparable.

Steven had never introduced Joe to his parents. 

Steven always spent his Sundays watching the Patriots game with his parents, but one Sunday in particular, Steven wanted Joe to come meet his family because the Patriots were playing the Jets and Joe was a huge Jets fan.

Steven drove over to Joe's house to drive him over. Joe wore his Jets jersey.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Joe said, as he got in the car. 

"Are you excited for football Sunday?" Steven asked. 

"Very much," Joe replied.

"Also, my parents are really fucking strict, so we are gonna pretend to be good boys," Steven laughed. 

"Got it how do I look?" Joe asked, looking at Steven with a charming smile. 

"Looking good, they'll believe you're a pure and innocent child," Steven replied. 

~ ~ ~

When they got to Steven's parent's house, Steven's mom opened the door. 

"You must be Joe," she smiled. 

"Yes, I'm Joe. How are you today?" he asked, shaking her hand. 

"I'm good, Joe," she answered, "This is my husband."

"Hi, I'm Steven's dad," he said.

"Hi there," Joe smiled.

"I see you're a Jets fan," he laughed.

"Yes sir I am," Joe smiled.

~ ~ ~

By the second half, things seemed to have been going good. Steven's parents even trusted them alone, in the same room together, which was rare. 

Steven and Joe were finally able to be there bad ass selves. Steven kicked Joe in the boy-part and Joe pretended it didn't hurt him. Joe licked Steven's neck, pretending they were in a sexual relationship. They stuck their fingers in each other's noses. 

"Oh, we sure are toxic," Steven said. 

They heard Steven's parents gasp. 

"Oh, shit!" Steven screamed. 

"Steven!" his mother screamed. 

~ ~ ~

They watched the game in complete silence. They were so incredibly uncomfortable. 

Once, the game was finished, Steven's parents looked at them, "Steven and Joe, we aren't mad, we are disappointed that you never showed us this side of you," his dad said.

"Well, it's embarrassing," Steven muttered. 

"Well, it's you," his mom argued. 

"I'm sorry, mom," Steven apologized.

"Joe, please introduce yourself the way you normally would," Steven's mom suggested. 

Joe cleared his throat, "My kick-ass name is Joe."

"Very nice and Steven introduce your friend," Steven's dad asked.

"Mom and Dad, this is my toxic twin, Joe," Steven introduced.

~ ~ ~

By the end of the night, Steven's parents had welcomed Joe as a part of the family, as Steven did. 

Steven drove Joe back home that night. 

"What the hell did I do?" Steven asked.

"What do you mean, your parents are rad," Joe replied. 

"That was so weird, I've never seen them act that way around my friends," Steven laughed. 

"Steven, I'm not just a friend... I'm a family member," Joe smiled.

~ ~ ~

Hope you liked this one-shot... Lizziedoo22 I haven't forgotten about you I'm working on your request and to anyone else who wants to request, let me know! If it's Queen or Mötley Crüe they will go in my separate books for those two bands and I might make a KISS one soon. Thank you so much for your support on this book<3 Love you all. 

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