She's In Love (Johnny Lee Middleton x Reader)

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This is for my best friend, -ShesOnlyRockNRoll. She's such a special person to me and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I remember the day we met and I remember our first conversation because well it became one of our legendary inside jokes. On the first day we wrote Pantera one-shots and we talked about Savatage and then became Savatage sisters. I love you so much and I hope you know how grateful I am to have someone like you, who not only puts up with my annoyingness, but also loves Savatage as much as me. You truly are one of the best things I've ever had and you are a gift from God. You have changed my life in the matter of six months and I wouldn't be the person I am without you. You really are my best friend and of course my Savatage sister. I love you, lil' sis. Thank you for everything and thank you for being you. Happy birthday<3

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7:00 PM December 7th, 1991:

y/n= your name

y/b/f/n= your best friend's name

It was your birthday and your best friend, who was the only person who liked the little-known band, Savatage as much as you, had bought you tickets to the Savatage show that happened to be on your birthday. Your best friend and you both looked way older than you actually were, so you could get in the bar because they didn't check your ID. 

"We got in," you whispered to your best friend, excitedly. 

"We did," your best friend laughed.

The bar was actually packed with people all, ready to see Savatage. You and your best friend were by far the biggest Savatage fans in the entire bar. You were both wearing Streets shirt and had matching Savatage tattoos. 

When Savatage took the stage. You squealed at Johnny and your best friend had an asthma attack over Criss. 

"FUCK YES," your best friend screamed, before wheezing when they entire bar turned around and looked at you both. 

The first song Savatage played was one of your favorites, Gutter Ballet. You and your friends were the two maniacs trying to sing the harmonies.  Jon and Criss and Johnny all snickered at you guys.

"Aah, Y/N they noticed us!!!!" your best friend exclaimed. 

"I know I know! This is amazing," you replied. 

The next song was Believe, your best friend's personal favorite and your favorite to play on s a v a k a z o o. 

You and your best friend had come prepared both of you had kazoos and were ready to scream the words "GROWN UP WINGS." 

You had inside jokes about Savatage because it was necessary. 

After the beautiful Believe, Savatage played Strange Wings. Halfway through the song, your best friend wheezed, causing her to choke. 

"Jesus, man are you choking?" you asked your friend.

"I'm sorry. You know what I'm choking on," your best friend snickered. You knew what she was choking on *cough* *cough* Criss's dick. 

You laughed your ass off at your friend's stupid humor. 

The next song Savatage did was When the Crowds are Gone.

"This is a song, you all know. It's a song about being alone, but I don't want to sing it alone, so does anyone wanna come up and sing with us?" Jon asked, as he introduced the song. 

You and your best friend went completely crazy. Criss and Johnny pointed to you and your best friend went even more nuts as you went on stage.

Your best friend shared a microphone with Criss and you got to share a microphone with your man, Johnny. 

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