New Kids (Eddie Van Halen & Alex Van Halen)

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Eddie woke up expecting it to be another day full of practicing guitar, while Alex practiced drums, doing nothing but enhancing on their talent that they hoped would one day take them to the top. They hoped one day they'd be nothing less than legends. 

Alex and Eddie began setting up Eddie's amp in the music room. He began playing some of his favorite songs by Cream. 

The sun beaming in from windows was causing him to sweat profusely. It made them think they were rock stars.

They never got that the feeling when they were living in the Netherlands, but now that they were in California, they felt like real rock stars. 

"Ed, do really think this is gonna work out?" Alex asked, "Do you think we'll be rock stars someday?"

"Of course. Why would you doubt that?" Eddie assured. 

"Well, because. We can't just sit around as a guitarist and drummer and make it big. We need a bassist and a singer," Alex explained, "And it's hard finding kids that like our same music."

 "Well, we could make flyers," Eddie suggested. 

"Good thinking."

Eddie and Alex got a box of markers and some paper and sat down on the floor of their music room and began drawing pictures of microphones and basses. 

The sign read, "Vocalist or/and bassist looking to start a rock n roll band and become famous... call 123-555-1234."

~ ~ ~

The next day they had received a voicemail. 

"My name's David and I'm a singer. I wanna be in your band. My dad's got a ton of equipment we can use. Call me back," he said. 

And so thats what Eddie and Alex did. They arranged to meet up with David at around 6:30 (18:30) that night.

Eddie and Alex sat in their music room and waited for someone to show up. 

Just then, a kid with long blonde hair came running by the house.

"What is he doing?" Eddie asked. 

"I don't know. I think he's chasing a turkey," Alex replied. 

"Is that the David kid we said we would meet?" Eddie questioned. 

"I don't know... Do you wanna invite him inside?" Alex asked. 

"Fine," Eddie said. 

David welcomed himself in the house and sat down at the table, asking, "So what's for dinner?" 

"Uh, we already had dinner, but I guess we can get you something," Eddie replied. 

Alex and Eddie's mom brought David some leftover pasta they had eaten that night. 

"So, do you wanna sing for us?" Eddie asked. 

"Huh? Oh, your the people with the band. Yeah, let's sing," David insisted. 

~ ~ ~

Minutes after David started singing Eddie regretted it. 

"Is this dude tone deaf?" Eddie asked his brother. 

"Give him a chance, Ed," Alex pleaded. 

"No, get that crazy kid out of here," Eddie replied. 

"Are you forgetting he said his dad has all kinds of gear. If we wanna make it big, we need that, so let's see how this goes, plus, we know he can entertain a crowd," Alex argued.

Finally Eddie agreed and they walked back in the room to tell David he was in the band.

"David, you got the gig," Eddie said. 

David jumped around laughing and hugging Eddie and Alex, which they thought was hilarious. 

"So what should we call this band?" David asked. 

"I don't know. You got any ideas?" Eddie shrugged. 

"Well, your brothers, so what's your last name?" David questioned. 

"Van Halen," both Alex and Eddie said at the same time. 

"Van Halen, I like that," David said, before spotting a turkey outside and running out to chase it. 

~ ~ ~

Hey guys!! Hope you like this!! I've been watching a lot of Breaking The Band recently and I watched the Van Halen one. I also have seen a lot of kiss-me-deadly's posts and got back into Van Halen so here we are. 

Leave requests please~

What band member/musician?
What era?
Where it takes place?
Imagine, one-shot, headcannon, etc?
Fluffy, smutty, angsty?
Would you like to be mentioned?
Any other info?

Thanks for reading! Love you guys! 

~ ~ ~

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