Rock N Roll All Night (Eric Carr/KISS)

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This is for i_have_issues69, an incredibly sweet human and a person who deserves a great birthday. So, happy birthday!!!

~ ~ ~

Eric woke up, a smile spread across his cute face. 

"Why are you so happy?" Gene asked. 

"Genie? You don't remember?" Ace scolded. 

"Wait, is Gene trying to get you to do that morning ritual he does where he says, 'You are a powerful and attractive man?'" Paul asked. 

"No, Paul. No one takes my advice," Gene frowned. 

"It's Eric's birthday!" Ace told them. 

"Thank you, Ace for remembering," Eric smiled. 

"Haha Genie and I were just joking. We couldn't forget about your birthday," Paul said. 

Paul was lying, but Eric was gullible enough to believe him. 

"So, what do you wanna do today?" Gene asked. 

"Well, I was thinking we could go visit my parents after breakfast. And then we could go to Burger King for lunch, then we could go get ready for the concert and then we can y'know rock n' roll all night and party every day," Eric said. 

"Wow, good thinking, birthday bitch," Ace laughed. 

"Well, let's get to it," Gene smiled. 

~ ~ ~

Gene paid for Eric's breakfast and Ace ended up donating most of his breakfast to Eric. 

"Alright, well who's driving?" Paul asked.

"Gene!" Ace and Eric said at the same time. 

They all loved when Gene drove because he was terrible at driving.

They all got into Gene's luxury SUV. Gene got in the driver's seat and started the car. He accidentally began driving with the emergency break on.

"What the fuck?" Gene asked.

"Demon, you got the emergency break on," Eric laughed.

On their way over to Eric's parents Gene nearly crashed the car eight times. EIGHT TIMES. 

Finally, they got to Eric's parent's house.

They greeted all of the boys with hugs and kisses on there foreheads. They all sat and talked about what Eric was like as a child. His mom even pulled out old pictures of Eric as little bean.

~ ~ ~

After they left Eric's parent's house, and decided to go to Burger King for lunch. Gene, once again paid for Eric's food.

When the waitress came over Ace said, "Hey, you know it's Eric's birthday," he announced. 

"Who's Eric?" the waitress asked.

"OH my little friend with the puff ball on his head," Ace said. 

"Oh well, we are gonna have to give him some cake and sing to him," the waitress insisted. 

"Ace why'd you have to do that?" Eric whined.

"Cause' it's your birthday and you deserve a great day," Paul said.

When the waitress came back and sang to Eric, Eric's face turned red. 


~  ~  ~ 

The concert that night was a major success. Gene did the iconic, "It's a certain rock n' roll stud's birthday. Have a rockin' birthday Eric."

After the concert, however, was when it really got good. 

Their were approximately 69 girls, ready to have some fun with the hottest band in the world, KISS. 

By the end of the night, Paul was passed out on the floor and Gene had fallen asleep, even though he didn't drink. 

Ace and Eric were still up partying till late hours of the night.

"Alright, Eric," Ace slurred, "I need to sleep." (s l e e p -ShesOnlyRockNRoll)

"Hope you had a great day, Eric," Paul said, as Gene grunted in agreement.

"I did. Thank you for making it great," Eric said. 

~ ~ ~

Hope you liked that and thank you for all your support on this book. It's truly appreciated and it's only the 12th chapter, but we are at 1.1K . 

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