Sleep (Kelly Nickels x Reader)

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You and Kelly, no matter what had happened that day always liked to lay back and watch TV and relax and just talk to each other for a bit, before going to sleep.

It was a Friday night and LA Guns had had a crazy amazing night at the concert. It was full of energy. Everything between Kelly's bass, to Phil's lovely vocals was amazing and loud. Your head was sill pounding because of all the energy and noise, but you had to admit, the concert was amazing. 

"So how was your day, baby?" Kelly asked, his voice a bit raspy. 

"It was good, I'm cramping, but I'm alright, babe," you replied, "How are you?"

Kelly cleared his throat, "I mean it was a good show, my head kind of hurts from all the lights and noise, but I'm alright."

"Are you feeling better?" you asked.

"Well, I've gotten over my virus, I just have a bit of a head ache," he told you. 

"Well, at least you're not sick anymore," you said, "Baby, I can tell you're only 99%, and I want you to be 100%, so do you want go to sleep?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, babe, I'm just really exhausted," Kelly frowned.

"I know, lovie," you cooed, "I love you."

"I love you, too my baby. Good night," Kelly said. 

Kelly was asleep by 11 PM, which is when you realized you had to pee... really bad. You didn't want to wake Kelly up, but you couldn't fall asleep. 

Kelly let out a loud, gross cough, and you gasped, which made you get the hiccups. 

Kelly turned around and looked at you, "Are you okay, babe?" he rasped. 

"No, I need to pee really bad and I can't sleep," you frowned. 

"Okay, baby go to the bathroom and then come back and we can snuggle," Kelly said to you. 

~ ~ ~

After you peed, your side still had an incredibly sharp pain. You laid down in bed again. Kelly grabbed you by the waste and pulled you close. 

"What's your favorite thing about me?" Kelly asked.

"Probably the way you snuggle me," you smiled. 

"Aww," he cooed, "Mine would have to be the way you laugh when I tickle you," Kelly smiled. He wrapped his arms around you and began tickling you.

"aAA, Kelly stop it," you croaked, through laugh as you were hyperventilated. 

Kelly giggled, "No, you're so cute."

"Kelly you are gonna kill me," you cried.

You heard your hotel room door open, you and Kelly both shrieked. The person turned on the light in your room. 

Phil looked at you both, "What the fuck are you doing, mate?" he asked. 

"Why would you just come in to our room?" Kelly asked. 

"I couldn't sleep, mate, you were both laughing yourselves to bloody death,"  Phil muttered. 

"Well, that's private," Kelly mumbled. 

"Then shut up, lad, so I can fuckin' sleep," Phil whined. 

"Fine, but leave," Kelly scolded. 

Phil rolled his eyes and walked out. 

For the rest of the night, you and Kelly snuggled, till you both fell asleep.

~ ~ ~

Hey guys!! Hope you liked this little one-shot. I fuckin' adore LA Guns and literally they are so fucking underrated. It's sad. So uh yeah listen to them:

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