Chapter 11: I Don't Like This (Hayoung, Tiffany & Tasha POV)

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Chapter 11: I Don't Like This (Hayoung, Tiffany & Tasha POV)

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(Hayoung POV)

"Apa! Apa!" Naeun was crying out in pain.

Our group's visual had been the centre of attention and concern throughout the Seoul Music Awards. Earlier, at the red carpet, she had mistepped and injured her ankle. We were worried that she would struggle to perform on stage later, but she was resilient and we carried on anyway. However, in the interest of her safety, we decided to leave the ceremony early. Just as well, Naeun was already feelng unconfortable and kept limping.

"Aish..." I sighed. I offered to help her manager carry her to the car. Poor Son Yeoshin...

"You need to tell us what happened," our manager chided in.

Naeun answered with a nod. By that time, the other members were already in the car. Chorong dutifully waited for Naeun to be lifted in before she and I entered the car too. Luckily we had no more schedules for that day, but with our solo concert just around the corner, we could not afford to get into more trouble in terms of injuries.

Mindful of that as well, our manager drove much slower than usual. Even though the weather was not atrocious that evening, thankfully, we certainly were not intending to increase the risk of an accident. The Ladies' Code road accident was still ringing in our heads despite the fact that it was nearly five months ago (A/N: Seriously, a thoughtful note here). Our destination was the hospital, since we had to get Naeun treated of course.

"Gwenchana?" Bomi unnie was massaging Naeun's leg to relieve the pain.

I kept looking over at Naeun out of concern. She was certainly in need of treatment.

But the more I thought about it, Naeun was actually most alert and safety-concious member of Apink. While walking on the red carpet, she remembered to lift her dress so that she wouldn't trip on it. She was also able to walk in heels gracefully and why did she trip?

As we arrived at the hospital, I called Yookyung to explain to her the situation. She did not follow us to the award ceremony because she was still undergoing re-adjustment back to the group. After all, Yookyung joined midway through our preparation for 'LUV', so it would still be hard for her to catch up. She would, however, join us for all schedules starting from our next Korean comeback.

"Jinja?! How...?" Yookyung was surprised herself.

"We're going to find out at the hospital. Meet us there!" I told her.

Naeun was transferred to a wheelchair and the members and I waited in the building while she got herself checked-up by Dr Lee. She was the one who also treated me last year during all the mele involving Jinyoung, Yookyung and I. Speaking of whom...

"Unnies," I told them, "I'll go and wait for Yookyung."

"Arasso, be safe though." Eunji advised.

Luckily, we had changed into confortable clothes prior to leaving the ceremony. The dress I wore was uncomfortable indeed. Phew, what a relief.

Unfortunately, the air around me seemed to feel a lot colder than usual. There was a high level of tension...and it certainly did not feel good. The longer I stayed waiting, the more it reminded me of the night Jinyoung attempted to kill me. At least now the streets were more well-lit, so I did not feel as insecure as last time.

Yookyung said she would be at the hospital in five minutes. I told her to come quickly since I did not want to be alone. When asked about whether my twin would follow her, she said that he needed to be with Stefan. Oh well...probably safer for him that way.

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