Chapter 21: Stand Off (Nate, Jinyoung & Stefan POV)

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Chapter 21: Stand Off (Nate , Jinyoung & Stefan POV)

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(Nate POV)

Words could not describe the uncomfortable silence that filled the room moments after Becky's revelation. Stefan had warned us that she was an unpredictable person, even more so now that she's in cahoots with Madam K.

Still, when she said that her name was 'Hong Sookyung', I did not really think too much of it. But for whatever reason, Jinyoung looked the most confused. He then approached Becky cautiously with the intention of interrogating her further.

Even from my position at the corner, it was clear that Becky was intimidated by Jinyoung and Stefan. It could be an act...

"You said your name is Hong Sookyung?" Jinyoung asked her in his most controlled voice. Without doubt, he was hiding his frustrations. Seemed like his plans just went down the drain.

Rather than bottle up his frustration, Stefan took matters into his own hands...literally. He grabbed Becky's shirt and lifted her up like a ragged doll.

"ANSWER HIM BECKY! We have no time for your games!" he bellowed.

"Believe me!" Becky was now tearing up. "My name is really Hong Sookyung! Becky is just a pet name!"

Part of me really wanted to help Becky...but at the same time, I could not betray a close friend whom I met over the passing of just one letter. He played a part in helping me find out who my sister was!

But loyalty was put to the test when I picked myself up...and witnessed Stefan throwing a punch at a helpless Becky. I saw Ferlyn and Jinyoung looking visibly shocked by his actions.

"STEFAN STOP!" Ferlyn cried. However it fell on deaf ears. Stefan was already too delusional.

At last, for the sake of his sanity, Ferlyn and I worked together to get Stefan off Becky. Jinyoung took care of stabilizing a now frail-looking Becky.

At that moment, my hands came in contact with Ferlyn; and I felt a slight spark go up my hand. It felt...warming? Somewhat reassuring as well...

I turned to face Ferlyn with the intention of saying thank you to her. Instead, I was left captivated by her determined and focused look. The glint in her eyes had changed. I guessed it was hard for me to notice all that because of all the trauma I had been through. However, I came to realise that...

Unfortunately, the moment was rudely interrupted by the door bursting open. And in stepped the last person we wanted to see at that instant...

...Madam K!

Now that I saw her for the first time, I could only crumble in fear once again. For someone her age, she was a tall lady. Her face, seemingly aged in looks, expressed true anger and contempt. That was enough to make the atmosphere a lot colder than it already was.

Stefan, who was calming down prior to her arrival, was now shaking uncontrollably.

"Well well..." she grinned in an evil manner. "Look who decided to come back! Oh Jinyoung!"

The three of us tensed up at the sound of her voice. It really did sound sickening, as Jinyoung mentioned.

"I'm not back for you Madam K," Jinyoung rebutted. "And I will NEVER return to your side! I'm here for my chingus!"

"We'll see about that," she sneered.

Nonchalantly, but swiftly, she tossed a dagger...and it was headed straight for Stefan!

"No!" I cried and dragged Stefan out of the way. The dagger missed him by inches, thankfully. To think that the tosser was the same person who took care of him for eighteen that was really heartless.

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