Jasonette, Identity Shenanigans (CrackIncorrectQuote)

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Background: Jason and Mari are friends and Mari likes Jason, and Jason likes her. BUT a couple days after Ladybug shows up in Gotham to work with the bats Mari gets super sleep deprived and this happens (this stunts the love-confession process)

Jason, *jokingly and with awe*: Wow, Pix, you're ripped. Why didn't I know about this before?

Mari, *sleep deprived as fuck*: Because I'm fucking Ladybug.

Jason, *freezes*: You're banging Ladybug?
(The reason he doesnt put the dots together is because the miraculous have a glamour that messes with your mind)

Mari, *now suddenly awake*: UUMMM, (shit, there's no getting out of this one) yes

Jason, *thinking about how ridiculously attractive they both are and says dejectidely*: yeah that makes sense

Later, after getting to know Ladybug

Jason, *in his head*: Dammit, Ladybug is actually a really nice person and would be good for Mari, so I can't hate her, UGH

Mari, *in her head*: Oh my kwami, WHY did I say that? What god did I anger to deserve this?

Even later

Mari comes up with a super complex and convoluted plan to stage a breakup between Ladybug and Mari, using the fox, peafowl, and mouse miraculi (Trixx agreed because they thought it would be fun to watch, Dussuu agreed because she can feel the love between the two, Mullo agreed because, why not).
But Jason is like, 'if I can't be the one to make her happy, Ladybug is the next best bet' and makes a great point as to why they should give the relationship another try.

Mari *in her head*: Dammit, Jason, why do you need to be such a supportive friend?

One day, Ladybug portals into the Wayne's living room, coincidently the entire family is there. She thinks she is in her apartment and continues to talk to a kwami and detransformes. She doesn't notice anything until someone coughs awkwardly. She stares wide eyed.


Jason, *realization but still utterly baffled and pointing franticly*: w-wait, what, ho-how, but you said...

Mari, *knows she really fucked up*: Um...  Suprise? *awkward jazz hands while the kwamis laugh*

One heart-heart talk, two love-confessions, and an almost make-out session later

Jason: So why did you say you were fucking Ladybug if she was you?

Mari: I was sleep deprived and I meant it as 'I am Ladybug' as in she was me, but I couldn't tell you that without giving away my identity. Also the magic of the miraculous, it has a protective glamour that protects a wielder's identity

Jason, *who has heard crazier shit and was not fazed*: okay, that makes sense.


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