Halloween Special (Timari)

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This is exactly what the title states.

"So you guys are having a Halloween Gala, even though you should be on patrol" Mari said, raising an eyebrow. She had done her research on American holidays. Halloween by far her favorite.

"Yeah, and I was hoping, since I was forced into Gala Duty, you could maybe come to, I mean, you don't have to! It was stupid question anyways. See yo-" he ranted already anxious for her answer.

"Tim, I'm your girlfriend, of course I'll go to the Gala with you, silly." She smiled.

"Oh yeah, ha, I forgot." He said sheepishly. He still could not get over the fact that some as amazing and out his league as Marinette Dupain-Cheng would every even dream of dating him. Even if it has been 3 since they started dating.

"Really, you forgot? Well maybe I should do something to kale you remember, hm?" She said seductively to him.

Later at the Gala

"Mr. Drake, it's great to see you. Lovely party by the way. And this is your girlfriend, yes?" Said a business man, as he shakes his hand.

"Yes she is. Oh and Mr. Hedman amazing costume. Zombie, right?" He replied.

"Why, yes, I am a zombie. What an eye for detail you have Mr. Drake, again it was a pleasure speaking with you, but I have to go." He departed.

"Well that was fun wasn't it. I'm gonna get some drinks from the refreshment table." She said before she walked to the food.

Many heads turn as she walks alone to the table, and it wasn't her relationship with the Waynes that did it. No, in her Amazonian Armour (though most assume a high quality costume), she was a sight to see at the Gala. And at the table, about to bring her and Tim's drinks to him, was were the first time of the night but not the last of her life, an attendee of the Gala hit on her.

"M. Ferguson, its great to see you again, how is your daughter liking the dress I made her?" She said to him.

"She adores it, Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you and your work are truly remarkable. And beautiful." He flattered, stepping a little too closely into her space. She took a step back simultaneously.

"Thank you for the compliments M. Ferguson, but I must be going." She said as politely as she could.

"Stay a while, I insist, I could keep you company." He said, putting a wanton hand on her hip.

"I said I'm leaving, now, goodb-" She gritted, from a forced smile.

"No need to be hasty, Ms. Dupain-Cheng, we could have so much f-" he began.

"Mr. Ferguson, I see you've meet my girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's a pleasure to see you again. Oh and your costume, amazing. Your going as a dog right?" He smoothy inserted himself into their conversation, subtly insulting him while replacing the older man's hand with his own.

"Werewolf, actually, Mr. Drake. And yes I do know her, I commissioned her for a dress for my daughter, Mandy." He replied with an equally fake smile.

"Well, we should be going, have a great evening." He says as he leads them away.

"Thanks, love. You're a lifesaver." She thanks him with a peck.

"Of course, Bean, but are you ok? He didn't do anything to you, right?" He says with a frown.

"Nothing more than touching my hip. I'm fine Tim, I promise." She laid a reassuring hand on his chest.

"Okay." He said, still a little unconvinced. "He still should have touched you like that." He grumbled, tightening his grip on her.

"It's fine, if he tried anything more I could have defended myself." She soothed.

"Still." He tried.

"Tim, you know I love you, right? And that I'm never going to leave?" She gave him a pointed look.

The boy in question looks away with a blush, embarrassed.

"Well, I do. I won't leave you for anyone. Especially not for someone like him." She turned his chin towards her.

"Yeah, I guess." He says looking softly down at the girl.

Instead of replying, she pulled him down to a soft kiss, the existence of everyone else void from their minds.


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