Chapter 15 Revalation

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Thor and Evie looked at each other and followed Tony up to the penthouse. Tony asked them to sit on the couch, “Do you guys want something to drink,” Tony asked, “How about some juice, lightning bug?”

“Sure,” Evie said.

“Point Break?”

“Nothing for me, thank you. Stark, what is this all about?”

“Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but I feel more than a little kinship with Evie, and I have been wondering why,” Tony said.

“Yes, I have noticed. What have you discovered?”

“Well, I did some research, and I admit I should have asked your permission, but I used some of the blood we had on file to do a DNA test, and it turns out that Evie and I are related. When I started doing a little more snooping, I caught the attention of the Magical government here in the US. I told them what I was doing, so they helped me out. Long story short, Evie and I are cousins a couple of times removed.”

Evie jumped off the couch and hugged Tony, “Really? We're related? That's wonderful, Tony! Does that mean I get to call you cousin Tony?”

“I prefer you call me Uncle Tony, or Tony, whichever,” Tony said with a smile, and he picked up Evie. Evie wrapped her arms around Tony's neck, “I knew there was something special about you, Uncle Tony!”

“Thanks, Kiddo.”

Thor got off the couch and patted Tony on the back, nearly knocking him over. “It is wonderful news, Tony, now we are related.”

“Technically, we're not, but I'll take it. And since we are, I wanted to ask you if I could be Evie's godfather.”

Evie's eyes widen, “Yes!”

Tony laughed, “I think that's up to your dad, lightning bug.”

“What is this godfather you speak of?”

“It's a religious thing about baptism, but that's not the way I mean it. In our case, if something were to happen to you, I promise to take responsibility for Evie and do my best to get her to her grandparents as long as I get to see her too, and I'd like to pay for her education and stuff like that. She is the only family I have.”

“I would be honored if you would become Evie's godfather, Tony.”

There was a bright golden light that enveloped the room and passed through Evie, Thor, and Tony. Loki walked upstairs and looked around, “Who made a magical vow?”

“What do you mean, no one made a vow, Reindeer Games.”

Loki rolled his eyes, “Were any promises made?”

“Well, I asked Thor if I could be Evie's godfather and promises to, oh!”

“Yes, Anthony, you made a magical vow. And by Thor accepting you as Evie's godparent, a solemn bond has been created between you three. Oh, bother, that means I can never harm you again,” Loki said with a grin.

“Uncle Loki! You can't harm Tony. He's family.”

“Oh, how so?”

Tony explained everything to Loki, who looked at him, surprised, “Well, isn't that interesting. Perhaps you have enough magic so I can train you.”

“Uh, that's okay. I'd rather not find out,” Tony said as he backed away from Loki, who had this grin on his face as he advanced towards him, “Oh, come on Stark, this won't hurt… much.”

“No, no. leave me alone!”

Loki laughed, “I was only teasing; checking your magical core won't hurt at all.”

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