Chapter 26 Parents Permission

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And so it went; Evie went to school with a different Avenger escorting her and picking her up from school. After a while, the novelty of Evie being the daughter of an Avenger wore off, and she was able to have an everyday school life. Evie and her new three friends were inseparable. They did everything together, and as Carmen promised, she helped Evie catch up in their Spanish class.

By the end of the week, Evie had invited the girls over to the Tower for a sleepover; her friends said they would ask their parents and get back to her. On Thursday morning, Carmen, Bridget, and Keziah informed Evie that their parents had said yes, but they wanted to meet Thor and the other Avengers first. FRIDAY, who had been monitoring the class, informed Thor and the others, and Tony got the numbers to the little girls' parents and invited them over for dinner that Thursday night. FRIDAY told the little girls, and they squealed in delight.

When Thursday rolled around, the girls were picked up by their parents and met Thor and Loki, who were at the school to pick up Evie. When the bell rang, Evie and her friends ran out of the school to meet their parents. Evie went with her friends to meet their parents. She smiled and politely introduced herself. Evie talked for a while with her friends' parents then they asked Evie if her father was there. Evie looked around and spotted Thor and Loki.

Evie beamed at them, “Yes, my dad and uncle are right over there,” Evie said, then called them over.

The parents smiled when they saw Thor grinning as he walked toward them, but their smiles fell at the sight of Loki. Loki saw the look of fear and distrust in their eyes, he didn't care what the mortals thought of him, but Loki knew that he had to be nice to anyone important to Evie unless they harmed his niece. So, Loki plastered a charming smile and walked toward the group of parents. The little girl's parents eyed Loki warily, but Loki didn't let it phase him; he still smiled at the group of parents and introduced himself.

The little girls' parents weren't sure of what to make of Loki; they had only seen the evil side of him and wondered if their daughters would be safe with him in the Tower. Seeing the wariness and question in their eyes, Thor interceded on his brother's behalf. He smiled at the parents, “I know you all must think that Loki is dangerous. I can assure you that my brother has changed his ways, and no harm will come to your children, I swear it.”

Loki took that opportunity to use his silver tongue to charm and put the parent's minds at ease; after a long discussion with them, the little girls' parents found themselves more confident around Loki.

“Perhaps we should have dinner at the Tower so that you all can see for yourselves that your children will be well taken care of,” Loki offered.

The parents looked at each other and agreed. What harm could it do to meet the adults watching their daughters? Once they agreed, Thor informed the others that they would be having dinner guests that evening and the reason for the visit. Knowing that this dinner party was necessary for Evie, Tony pulled out all the stops to ensure everything went off without a hitch and that he and the rest of the Avengers made a good impression on Evie's friend's parents.

They agreed to meet at Stark Tower at 7:00 that evening. Evie hugged her friends and told them she would see them later. When they arrived in the communal area, Evie could already smell that dinner was being prepared. She walked into the kitchen to find Pepper and Natasha preparing dinner. Evie beamed at her Aunt Pepper and the woman she couldn't help but consider her mother, though Evie would never tell Natasha that. “Hi, Pepper, Hi Tasha! Is there anything I can do to help?” Evie asked.

The woman turned around and smiled at Evie, “Hello, sweetheart. Did you have a nice day at school?”

“Yes, but I'm more looking forward to tonight when my friends and their parents come over for dinner,” Evie told the two women, Evie said after hugging Pepper and Natasha.

“I'm sure you are, kiddo, and there isn't anything for you to help with right now. Pepper and I have everything under control,” Natasha informed the little girl, “Why don't you get started on your homework and then get ready for dinner?”

Evie agreed; before she left the kitchen, she grabbed an apple and headed to her floor to start her homework. Once Evie finished, she put her homework away, then took a quick shower and changed. By the time she was ready, it was 6:00. Evie went to check on her father and uncle to ensure they had dressed appropriately. Evie entered the living room, where Thor and Loki were waiting for her. Thor was wearing a blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of blue jeans, while Loki was wearing a black suit. Evie nodded and complimented both men. Thor smiled at his daughter, “My Petal, you look lovely in your dress. Very fitting for a Princess of Asgard.”

Evie blushed, “Thank you, Daddy. Shall we go upstairs now?”

Thor smiled at Evie and offered his hand, Evie took it, and the trio walked into the elevator and went to the communal floor. When they arrived, Evie nearly cried when she saw everything looked lovely. Tony had a formal dining room table and the best china set out. The room was filled with beautiful flowers and had a homey feel. At that moment, Tony walked out of the kitchen with a plate of hors d'oeuvres for the guests. He looked up and smiled at Evie, “So, what do you think Lightning Bug? Do you think your friends and their parents will like it?”

Evie ran towards her Uncle and hugged him fiercely, “Oh, yes, Uncle Tony, thank you so much.”

Tony hugged his goddaughter, “Anything for you, sweetie.”

At that moment, the rest of the Avengers arrived; they were all dressed in civilian clothes and looked very handsome. Natasha and Pepper had also changed into dresses, nothing too revealing; they didn't want to cause a scandal. Now that everything was ready, they only needed to wait for their guests to arrive.

At precisely 7:00, Evie's friends and their parents arrived at the Tower. Evie's friends were excited to be in Stark Tower and looked forward to spending the weekend there if their parents approved. Their parents were intimidating little beings in a billionaires' home. When they arrived at the top floor, and the elevator door opened, they were greeted by Tony, Thor, Pepper, and Natasha. Tony put on his most winning smile and stepped forward, “Welcome to Avenger Tower. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable,” Tony said as he shook the little girls' parent's hands.

“I'm Tony Stark, Evie's godfather, and uncle; it's a pleasure to meet you all.”

Keziah's father, ever the diplomat, stepped forward and shook Tony's hand, “It's a pleasure to be here, Dr. Stark.”

Tony was pleasantly surprised at being addressed as Dr. Stark. Technically he did have a Ph.D., which made him a doctor. It was rare for anyone to remember that. Tony beamed at Keziah's father, who smiled in return, “I am Aaron Siedler, my wife Jennifer, and our daughter Keziah.”

Tony kissed Jennifer's hand and shook Keziah's, “It's nice to meet you all, and it's good to see you again, kiddo.”

Keziah smiled at Tony, “It's good to see you too, Tony.”

Once the tension was broken, everyone else introduced themselves, and they went into the living room to have a few hors d'oeuvres until dinner was ready. While they waited, The parents talked to the Avengers about whether or not their little girls would be safe in the Tower. Natasha reassured them that the Tower was equipped with the state of the art security and that nothing could pass it.

“And if by some miracle we are attacked, there is a safe room for the girls to hide in until everything is all clear. I promise you nothing will happen to your daughters,” Tony assured the parents.

At that moment, Pepper announced that dinner was ready, and everyone moved to the dining room, where they had a lovely meal and continued their discussion. By the night's end, each parent had decided for their daughters to spend the weekend with Evie. The girls squealed and hugged their parents.

The following morning, the girls couldn't wait for class to end so they could start their fun-filled weekend at the Tower and with the Avengers.

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