Chapter 25 First Day of School

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The week went by quickly, and Evie spent most of her time with Remus, making sure that he was comfortable with her new family, especially her father, uncles, and Natasha. It was hard for Natasha at first to trust the wizard; she wasn't sure if Remus would try to take Evie back to Dumbledore given a chance. So, eventually, Natasha cornered Remus and flat out asked him; of course, she had a knife to his throat.

“What are your real intentions with Evie, Mr. Lupin?”

Remus stared into the green eyes of the Black Widow. So much like Lily's, but they were cold and ruthless, “Nothing, I assure you. I only want Evie to be happy and part of her life. If you're thinking I plan to kidnap her and take her back to England and Dumbledore, I'm not.”

Natasha studied Remus, then lowered her knife, “I will give you the benefit of the doubt, Mr. Lupin. But betray us, and you'll not only have to deal with Thor and Loki but me as well. That little girl is like a daughter to me, and I will do anything to protect her.”

Remus sighed, “I'm glad to hear that, Ms. Romanoff, because, by the way, Evie talks about you; I know she loves you like a mother.”

Natasha nodded and walked away. She showed no emotion, but her heart nearly exploded in happiness at the thought of that little girl loving her so much.

When Monday finally rolled around, Evie was up at dawn and quickly showered and changed for her first school day. She quickly ran to her father's room and jumped on his bed, startling Thor.

“Wake up, Daddy, it's the first day of school!”

Thor grunted when his daughter landed on his stomach. He opened his eyes then yawned, “Alright, Petal, I am awake,” He looked at the clock and fell back onto his bed, and sighed.

“Petal, the sun has yet to rise, and the school does not start until nine. What are you doing up so early?”

“Oh, Daddy, I couldn't sleep anymore; I'm so excited to start school!”

Thor chuckled, “I know you are, Petal, but you still have four hours until it does; what do you plan to do in the meantime?”

Evie was at a loss; she didn't know what to do; maybe she could watch TV for a while or study her new books? Evie wasn't sure. At that moment, JARVIS called Thor and Evie.

Prince Odinson, Miss Evie, Miss Romanoff is requesting permission to enter.

“Of course, JARVIS,” Thor said.

Evie smiled at hearing that Natasha was coming up and ran out of Thor's room to meet Natasha. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Evie rushed towards Natasha and hugged the woman. Natasha smiled and hugged Evie back, “I thought you'd be awake by now. Where's your dad?”

Evie huffed, “Still asleep.”

“Well, it is still early, Evie. How about I braid your hair, then take you out for breakfast?”

Evie's blue eyes lit up, and she agreed. Natasha asked JARVIS to ask Thor, and he agreed. Natasha followed Evie to her room, and they went to the bathroom so that Natasha could French braid Evie's hair. Once she was finished, they headed out of the Tower to a local restaurant to have breakfast.

They took one of Tony's cars and headed to a nice restaurant that wasn't too far away. The girls were seated and began looking at the menu, but the more Evie looked at the food, the more she started to feel sick. Natasha looked at Evie and put down her menu.

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