Chapter 9 Team Meeting

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Evie, Pepper and the Avengers gather around Fury, who is still out cold on the couch, “Should we be worried,” Clint asked.

“Nah, he'll be fine,” Tony said. Though, in reality, he was a little worried that Evie hit Fury a little bit too hard, but he wasn't going to make a big deal about it. He didn't want to scare Evie.

Tony caught Loki's eye and gave him a worried look. Loki rolled his eyes. Whatever brain damage Evie had caused, Loki would fix it. He also didn't want this niece to be frightened. So with an exaggerated sigh, Loki stepped forward.

“I shall wake the Director. Then we'll have to talk to the annoying man.”

With the wave of his hand, a green mist left Loki's hand and surrounded Fury's head. The mist traveled up Fury's nose and out his ears, fixing whatever damage Evie had caused. Once, Loki was finished, Fury's eyes popped open.

“What the F-”

“Ah, ah, Cyclops, no cursing in front of the kid,” Tony told Fury.

Fury looked around and made eye contact with Evie, who was in Thor's arms. She gave him a shy smile, but Thor gave Fury a warning look. Nick slowly sat up and felt his head; there was no sign that he had been hit with a flying frying pan. He was surprised that he didn't even have a headache. Fury looked at Loki, who smiled at him mischievously.

‘Great, I owe Loki for not having a concussion,’ Nick thought.

Fury looked at Evie again, who seemed very remorseful, “I'm sorry I hit you with the frying pan, Mr. Fury.”

Nick stood up and fixed his coat, “That's alright, Evelyn, I shouldn't have been sneaking around.” Fury told the little girl who beamed at him after he had accepted her apology.

Thor nodded his head in approval. Pepper stepped forward to address Fury, “Director Fury, since you're here, would you like some breakfast? Evie made plenty.”

Fury looked at his Avengers and shrugged, “Yeah, why not?”

He stood up and followed Pepper into the kitchen. Pepper directed him to sit down, and she served him the leftover eggs, bacon, and waffles. They were still nice and warm. Fury looked at the food, surprised that a ten-year-old could cook all that.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Pepper, answered his unasked question, “Evie's been cooking for her relatives since she was five.”

Fury felt a wave of anger wash over him, but his expression didn't change. He only nodded to Pepper and began to eat his breakfast. He thought that Evelyn's cooking was delicious, and he would tell her when he finished.

After Fury finished his breakfast, he came out into the living room. Tony looked up at Fury from showing Evie how to use a Starkpad, “So, what brings you by, Fury?”

“I only came by to meet Evelyn,” Fury said.

Tony looked at Fury suspiciously as did Thor and Loki. They all knew there was something more to Fury's visit than just coming to meet Evie. Evie innocently looked at Fury and smiled, “It's nice to meet you, Mr. Fury. Is it true you lost your eye in a fight with a cat?” Evie asked.

“No, who told you that?”

Evie looked at Tony, who grinned at Fury, “No, Evelyn, I lost in the war.”

“Oops, sorry about that.”

“That's alright, Stark was only kidding,” Fury said as he glared at Tony.

“I also came by to talk to you all about a few things,” Fury glances at Evie, “In private.”

Loki walks over to Evie, “Come along, Niece, while they talk business, I shall teach you a bit of magic.”

Evie's blue eyes light up, “Okay, Uncle Loki, that would be brilliant.”

Loki took Evie by the hand and teleported down to their floor. Once they were gone, Steve looked at Fury, “What is it that you needed to talk to us about, Director Fury?”

“I wanted to inform you about the Evelyn situation.”

Tony raised an eyebrow, “They Evie, situation?”

Fury sighed, “Yes, Stark, the Evelyn situation.”

The Avengers all looked at each other, “What kind situation could there be about Evie other than she's the sweet little girl who happens to be a witch and a demigod?” Clint asked.

“Evelyn is also considered the savior of the British Wizarding World.”

“How?” Natasha asked.

Fury then went on to explain what happened the night that Evie's mother and stepfather died. He told them all about the Dark Lord Voldemort coming after Evie and that somehow he was destroyed that night. Fury also explained to them that now Evelyn Potter was known as The Girl Who Lived.

“And these idiot wizards honestly think that a fifteen-month-old baby had the power to defeat a powerful Dark Lord,” Tony asked.

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Isn't it more likely that Evie's mother defeated him,” Steve asked.

“Yes, but since she died, they don't see it that way,” Fury said, “And with their most respected leader declaring Evelyn their savior, the Wizarding World believed it.”

“So what now,” Clint asked.

“When they find out that Evelyn is missing, Dumbledore is going to start searching for her, and he won't stop until he finds her and takes her back,” Fury informs the team.

Everyone turns and looks at Thor, who has been sitting there quietly, listening to the entire conversation. He was casually tossing Mjolnir in the air and catching it, “They can certainly try and take her from me, but they will find it very difficult indeed.”

“Yeah, I'm not letting that little girl go anywhere with a bunch of sycophantic idiots following a Gandalf wanna be.” Tony asserted.

Everyone else agreed.

“Besides, they're going to be looking for Evelyn Potter, not Evie Thorsdottir,” Clint observed.

“That's true,” Steve said, “And from Thor said, Evie looks completely different from what she did before.”

Thor nodded, “Yes, she does, the glamour had her appearance to look like her mother and father. But now, no one will recognize her.”

Fury nodded, “Nevertheless, we can't be too careful, I'm sure these people will do anything to get their savior back,” Fury informed them.

“They'll have to get by us to do it,” Steve declared.

Now that Fury had given them the information that they needed, he decided that he needed to get back to base. After Fury left, Tony clapped his hands, “Alright, everyone, get dressed. It's time to take the little lightning bug out and show her a good time.”

Everyone agreed and headed for their floors to get ready. Today the Avengers were going to show Evelyn Thorsdottir the sights and sounds of New York City.

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