Chapter 22 A Sirius Mistake

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Evie looked between her father and two uncles, confused. She had no idea what they were talking about. Who were the men that were there, and what did they want? Evie walked towards her father and took his hand. Thor looked down at his daughter with a questioning look, “Is something wrong, Petal?”

“Daddy, who are the men that are here?” Evie asked.

Thor smiled at his daughter, “They are two Midgardian wizards that have been searching for you, Petal. Heimdall saw them the other day searching the city for you.”

“Why?” Evie asked.

Loki kneeled in front of his niece, “We are not sure, Niece. Perhaps they want to take you back to your so-called relatives or to the wizard that put you with those terrible people.”

“So, they're wizards?” Evie asked, slightly worried.

“Yes, Sweet One, but you have nothing to fear; their pathetic magic is nothing compared to mine, even with most of it bound,” Loki told Evie with a grin, making Evie feel better.

Evie squeezed Thor's hand, “You won't let them take me away, will you, Daddy?”

Thor reached down and picked up his daughter. He cuddled her to his chest and kissed her head, “Of course not, Petal. Nothing in the Nine Realms will take you away from me,” Thor assured his daughter.

Evie smiled at her father and hugged him tightly. Thor then set Evie down, “Why don't you go with Pepper and Natasha, Little One, while your uncles and I talk to these Midgardians.” Thor suggested.

“Okay, Daddy,” Evie said and then went with Pepper and Natasha to make dinner.

After Evie and the two women left, Thor, Loki, and Tony headed for the elevator, but Steve stopped them before they could enter, “If you don't mind, Thor, I'd like to meet these wizards. Too.”

“Yeah, so would we,” Clint and Bruce added.

Thor thought for a moment and nodded, “My friends, that is fine with me. Come let us see what these Midgardians want.”

Thor, Loki, and the Avengers got in the elevator and made their way to the communal area where Sirius and Remus were waiting for them. While Sirius and Remus were waiting, Sirius made plans to attack the Muggles and force them to give him his goddaughter. Sirius decided that he wouldn't tell Remus as he knew his friend would try to stop him. The minute the elevator doors opened, Sirius whipped around and pointed his wand at the men that stepped out.

“Alright, you bloody bastards, give me my goddaughter, and no one will get hurt,” Sirus bellowed.

“Sirius!” Remus shouted.

“Shut up, Moony; this is the only way.”

Loki rolled his eyes and sighed. With the wave of his hand, Loki turned Sirius's wand into a snake that turned and tried to bite Sirius. Sirius yelped and dropped his wand. Instantly, Loki restrained the two wizards and smiled at them, “Pathetic mortals, do you honestly think you can go up against the might of Asgard?”

Sirius struggled against the restraints while Remus stared at the man in front of him, “Asgard? What do you mean, Asgard?”

Loki smiled and used his magic to don his armor, “I am Loki, of Asgard.”

Sirius and Remus stared at the God of Mischief, wide-eyed, “Loki! We built a shrine to you our fifth year in school,” Sirius said.

Sirius looked between Loki and the blonde man standing next to him, holding a hammer. It didn't take a genius to realize that the other man was Thor, God of Thunder. Sirius's brow furrowed, “I don't understand; why are two Gods holding my goddaughter hostage?”

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