Fibro Fog

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AN: I don't have Fibromyalgia or know anyone with it, so I did my best to research the disorder. I'm sorry if I didn't get it perfect. Also plz vote and comment! I love talking to you guys!
~Corpse pov~
My eyes are tired and my hands are cramped, but I've only been live streaming for forty minutes and I know I should keep going.

"Okay, let's see if Jack can bring someone in for the next round," I suggest, sitting back in my chair as everyone else chatters about finding new players.

When I relax I realize that the muscles in my back and arms are extremely painful tonight. I gently massage my shoulder and try to ease the pain. Right as I grimace at the heat radiating under my fingertips I hear the door to my gaming room open up.

"Corpse? Are you okay?" My roommate, Sykkuno, asks.

I just nod and give him a small smile.

"Are you sure? If your muscles hurt you should rest."

I mute my mic on the game before answering so that none of the other players can hear.

"I don't need to rest, I need to live stream or else everyone's gonna be disappointed. I'm fine, I can do it for a couple more hours."

"A couple more hours? Let me see your shoulder."

"What? No, you're not my mom, get out," I snap.

His face instantly falls and he nods once before quickly leaving.


I unmute my mic and see that we're still waiting for enough people to start another round.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna leave," I say, causing everyone to groan.

"We can't even find one more player, much less two! You gotta stay!" Toast whines.

"Yeah, and no one is as good of an imposter as you," Poki adds.

"Sorry, I'll be around tomorrow."

Everyone begrudgingly says their goodbyes and I log off, shutting down my computer. I cringe as I stand, all of my muscles feeling tight from the lack of movement. I think I'm gonna be thanking Sykkuno more than I realized for suggesting I stop.

I leave the room and swing the door shut behind me, a small thing that I obsess over for fear of an unexpected visitor seeing my filming room.

"Thomas?" I say, searching the apartment for the dark-haired boy.

I look into his bedroom and find it empty, so I go down the hall to the living room. He's on the couch, watching The Great British Baking Show. I don't know why I expected to find him upset in some way, he's definitely used to my moods by now.

"Hey," I murmur as I lower myself to sit by him on the couch.

He glances at me and smiles a little. This boy is a saint.

"I'm sorry I was such an asshole."

"It's okay, I get it. I didn't mean to be pushy."

"You weren't, I'm just disappointed in myself and irritated. You know how my bad days are."

He nods again, seeming to be thinking about something. I turn my attention to the show for a minute before he speaks.

"Can I look at your shoulder now?"

"Yeah," I mumble, sitting up and grabbing the neck of my shirt to pull it off.

He scoots towards me and inspects the area.

"It's red and really swollen, have you taken anything for it? Is anywhere else feeling really bad?"

I try to remember if I took some painkillers when I first woke up but I can't quite remember. One part of me kinda thinks I did and I don't want to take too many on accident, but another part of me can't quite grasp the details of my morning. My foggy brain from fibromyalgia is to blame for that.

"Um, I-I don't know. I don't know if I took anything. And no, my shoulder is the worst."

"I'll be right back, just stay here."

He quickly gets up and disappears down the hallway. He's probably going to count my medication to decide if I took any today.

I subconsciously knead my fingertips into my shoulder blade, pressing on the most painful spot. Flair-ups are the most god damn annoying things that ever happen to me. One day I can feel pretty good, stream for hours, sleep decently, and the next day it all goes to shit for no reason.

I hear Thomas in the kitchen before he shows up beside me again. He hands me a glass of water and two pills. So I didn't take them earlier I guess? That explains why I feel so bad now.

"Thanks," I say before throwing back the white capsules.

"No problem, I brought you an ice pack too."

I grin and take it from him. Since it's directly out of the freezer the gel is too cold to lay on my bare skin, but my roommate thought ahead and wrapped it in a dish towel for me.

"You're the best," I sigh as I lay it on my irritated muscles.

"I'm really not. You know that it's okay to take care of yourself, right? Your fans will understand if you need to take a break."

I can't look at him, knowing that my eyes will fill with tears if I see his earnest face.

"I-um," I clear my throat, trying to push the lump down. "I know. I just hate feeling weak."

"Corpsy, you're the strongest person I know. You've been battling this disorder and others for so long and making a name for yourself at the same time. I actually don't know how you do it."

I feel a little warmth bloom in my cheeks and tears fill my eyes. I look at my friend and smile when I see his expression soften.

"Thank you, that means everything to me. I couldn't have made it this far without you."

He smiles and it lights up his whole face.

"You could have if you took care of yourself," he says teasingly.

I roll my eyes.

"Just promise me that if you need to rest you're going to? Get up from your computer and stretch every once in a while so that you know if you're having any swelling."

"Fine, fine. I'll be more careful," I promise.

"That's all I ask. If you're more careful then more than likely you'll have fewer bad days."

"That's wishful thinking," I snort.

"Shut up, you big baby."

I laugh and wipe the tears from my eyelashes. God, I hate crying.

"Can I finish this episode now? Are you comfortable?"

"Go ahead, I'm good," I assure him.

He presses play and Paul Hollywood resumes being an asshole.

I look over at my friend as he absentmindedly chews on his thumbnail and I make a mental note to never let him go.

1110 words :)

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