Chapter 7 : Whats it gonna be?

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"Lisa?" Nate barked at me. "What's up with you girl?". Ever since Mila heard the conversation with Jasmine and I, she hasn't texted me back at all. I'm kinda worried that I will never hear from her again.

"Lisa!" Kiki and Nate said. "What". "What's up with you!". I took a deep breath, "Mila knows about Jasmine!". Kiki and Nate laugh at each other. "What's so fucking funny!". "You bitch! You bugging about a girl you haven't met the fuck! " Nate said. "Fu---)" I got cut off by my phone ringing. It was Mila! A smile shot upon my face. "Hello?" I said. "Whats your address? " Mila said sounding happy. "4336 Cresset Lane, why?". The line went dead. What the hell. Now she has me on pins and needle's. "What happened? You okay?? " Kiki asked sounding worried. "Um I don't know." Shit I really didn't know. "Grab your stuff we leaving " I said. By the look on my face there was no questions asked.

On my way home it was pure silence. I guess we were all on pin's. I pulled into my garage, but I immediately pressed the break. "Ouch! What the fuck Lisa!!!" Nate said. Kiki and I were staring in the garage when we seen 2 women standing in my drive way. "Mila" Kiki said under her breath. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she looked mad as hell. I was in utter shock. I felt Kiki and Nates eyes burning into my soul. "Lisa turn the car off" Nate said. I put my hands on the keys and pulled out. I was so nervous. Then she started walking towards my car. I was shaking like a stripper. She knocked on my window. I was so fucking scared. I opened my door and got out. She eyed me up and down. "You're fucking short. ". She laughed, I laughed. But that laugh surely faded. She hit me, dead in my face. I heard Nate and Kiki gasping. Kiki tried opening the door, but the girl who was with Mila, ran to the door and shut it. Mila nodded to the girl. She looked back at me. I caressed my cheek. She threw my hand down to my side. "YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!". I was wide eye when she said I lied. What the fuck about ? "You said before we started dating you dropped Jasmine, but come to find out you fucked her!!! It makes sense now! Your stomach wasn't hurting when I called you that day, you were fucking her! You fucking thot!". Mila pushed me to the ground. I hear my car door open and sure enough it was Nate. "Get of--". His sentence was cut short, the girl knocked him out. The girl eyed Kiki so she wouldn't get out either. "How many time's did you fuck her!" Mila yelled bringing my attention back to her. She is kneeling over me now. "Answer the fucking question bitch!" . "Twi-Twi-Ice" I said stuttering. She punched me twice in my jaw. "Ahhhhhhhh" I yelled in pain. I hear Kiki pounding on my window sobbing, screaming my name. "The second time I didn't know! " I sobbed. She raised her hand at me again. "No no no please, I swear". Kiki pushed the girl away from the door and hit her. She ran to me, and jumped on Mila. "She's not fucking lying!" Kiki yelled as she slapped Mila. Kiki got her to the ground, and now has her straddled. "Shes not fucking lying! " Kiki yelled at Mila. Mila looks at me. I rolled my eyes and tried getting up until her friend sucker punched me and knocked me out. "Kayani!!!!" Was the last thing I heard Mila yell.

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