The Curious Case of Dr. Doppio and Mr. Diavolo (Doppio x reader x Diavolo)

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"In each of us, there are two natures. If this primitive duality of man—good and evil—could be housed in separate identities, life would be relieved of all that is unbearable. It is the curse of mankind that these polar twins should be constantly struggling..."

-Jekyll and Hyde, The Musical, 1997

The morning started off foggy, sure to sprinkle before noon, as was customary in London now. The garden before the courthouse was covered in dew and should someone wander the sides of the building, they might find spider webs in the bushes. The poor coachman and horses pulling carriages of the morning were damp-an uncomfortable grey between dry and drenched that made either seem better. They probably couldn't see a few meters ahead of them, so the coachmen would hold tight to the reins and order a slow journey so as not to run into another. The cobblestone beneath was slick and uneven, one could only hope the wood wheels on the carriage were attached well. It seemed like such a quiet morning, a place not quite into the city yet, abound with townhomes and local stores, not yet any towering buildings. There were still even some trees by the sidewalks.

Maybe not silent, but everything was somewhat quiet. Everything except the courtroom.

The courtroom seemed to let out a collective cry of outrage as if it was a being itself. The women at the cafe next door, all wives of the men in the building, tittered at the commotion, hardly wondering what their husbands were talking about, more interested in what the queen had for dinner last night.

The men, however, seemed to be in a state of panic at the mere words that came out of a single man's mouth.

"Silence, I say! Here me out!" While not necessarily stout, wasn't all that tall either. His face was peppered with tanned freckles, sprinkled by the sun in childhood, but now served as a sense of irony considering his behavior now, a hermit to mean no offense. His hair was a strange shade of pink, a genetic marvel and a wonder none had yet insulted it, calling it witch like. Large amber eyes akin to a kid, round and never in a state of anger, but always of surprise. "Think of the possibilities! This world is a mess of evil, everyday we think only for the better of ourselves at the expense of another. We have the chance to rid ourself of that evil! A way to draw it out and kill it!" His voice was neither deep nor high in pitch, but strangely airy, as if he were out of breath.

"And if it fails?" The man sat at the highest seat, all able to see, role of the judge. His voice was deep.

"Burre, that's why we need it!" With no correlation to Aaron Burr, it was slightly strange to have a name so similar. He sighed-the man had a point, a valid one even, but he knew all too well that you're playing with fire when you start to play god.

"And what does the court say?" He faced the giant circle, the pink haired man also turning around shyly to meet their judgmental gazes. Everything was silent for a few dangerous moments, as if waiting for the judge to read their minds for the obvious answer instead of giving the pink haired man the time of day for a response. But the judge rivaled their silence with his own.

"Do you jest? Should it not be so obvious? Nay we say! Nay!" One shouted.

"It is against the way of god! No one but Him should have that power!"

"By god you're a madman!"

"Can't you see?" Jekyll called, "even now you're primed only to animal, the evil in you surfacing to violently express your opinion. This is why! Think about it now!" The room was silent. Only the man of highest standing dared speak.

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