Programmed His Paramour (hacker x reader)

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The freezing air nipped at your half exposed cheeks and your eardrums were about to tear from the high volume level complimenting a song you knew well, Dramaturgy. You fingerless gloves clenched the shemagh* that only concealed your nose and mouth, the mouth that mumbled every syllable in the song, and the occasional syllable that was not.

You found it rather unfitting to be wearing a shemagh here in America, Chicago to be more precise, but then again, Chicago's wintery winds are too much to overlook, and since the shemagh is all you have to conceal your neck, you took your chances.

Winter in Illinois was brutal as it is, but with the updraft from the city makes Florida or California seem like an impossible heaven. Though, you grew used to these circumstances and grew to love it dearly. There was nothing like hearing the howling of the wind when you can't sleep at night, or the surprised peep of a pedestrian feeling the wind fly under their skirt. But the sounds was not what you loved about it most.

It was the fact that it was home.

And you just hoped Japan had winds like these.

You blinked and scanned the horizon before looking down at your phone. While your peripheral vision advertised the speedily moving sidewalk, your eyes were directed to the large (but not so bold) numbers displayed on the screen.


You had exactly an hour and 43 minutes to cross security. You almost fell off your board after forgetting to counter-balance with your heavy backpack. Your eyes widened as you leaned forward and swung your arms. The electroboard stopped as you removed your foot from the accelerator to instead place it on the ground. A couple people looked at your weirdly, but kept their pace. Instead of getting back on, you chose to pick up the electrofied skateboard as you were already at the airport.

You must have looked weird being the only one to really walk to the airport while everyone had their fancy cars and whatnot, but you could not afford such luxury. On the plus side, you got much more fresh air and exercise than everyone else. You also must have looked weird for only walking into the airport without any other luggage for it was only your board and backpack.

You made the unfamiliar trip to the counter, got your ticket printed, and made your way through security. The airport police were too busy to notice the lack of baggage you brought, so they scanned it with dead eyes.

You were sure you were going to make it through the line without being pulled over, but apparently something in your bag had attracted attention. You walked over to the end of the conveyor belt to see them pull out your gun. The lady behind the desk looked at you with probably the harshest glare you had ever received.

"What is the deal with this?"

"I-ah-uh..." You fumbled with your words as your brain made a meager attempt to formulate your next words, but all that came out was a series of "ah's, eh's, eeh's, oh's, and ooh's."

"I deeply apologize for any misconceptions you might have encountered, but she is with me. You see, I had to get a deputy from the states and I wasn't sure whether or not to bring her a badge because she had yet to accept the job." You looked up to see a man with black hair and striking blue eyes. He looked down at you and grinned widely, showcasing his pearly whites. He looked back at the officer and flashed his badge at her. She verified it and nodded her head.

Obviously, if she were actually interested in her job, she would be more cautious, which put you on edge because it seemed like anyone could get past her.

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