Paper Planes (Snape x reader)

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    "Nami! C'mon! Come in! Come in!" You started to panic. "Nami! Come in!" Suddenly, static started filling the anything but silent plane.

"(Y/n)! I'm here! Come on back. You've done well!" Your friend back in HR encourages. But that does not change the situation you were currently in.

"NO! No! Stay with me! I only have so long to say this!" You almost screamed as a bolt of lightning hit the left wing. "Nami, I am not going to make it! I'll crash before I reach the Atlantic! So listen closely!" It was dead silent on her end, so too went on-basing yourself on nothing but hope that she'd hear it. You opened your mouth but let out a small scream as you tried to regain control of the heavily damaged vehicle.

It was spinning and swerving all over the place, but worst of all, it was falling. And fast. You looked out the window to see a series of lights a little further off.

All of a sudden, the scenery completely changed. Instead of the utterly terrifying storm, It's was a bright however cloudy day. Although, despite the change,the damage had already been done, and you were still losing altitude too rapidly for comfort. Doing the math, you knew you had just enough power to land in that lake in the distance. Bad news was that you'd have to fly straight through a field full of what looked like those little sticks with the hoops on top in those little bottles of bubbles for five year olds (but without the rigid edges and the actual bubbles... sadly,) 14 kids and an adult, floating in mid air, on broomsticks, and two flying balls. Oh! Did I forget to mention the few hundred spectators?

Everyone heard your coming and quickly moved out of the way before they got hit. You switched gears and expertly jumped over a set of stands.

Alarms were blaring, lights were flashing, and you hit your head when you collided into the water, nose first. The head of the big bird had long beef torn off as it slowly allowed the dense compartment to fill with water. You fumbled with the numerous safety belts, but failed to get any off. In an attempt to keep yourself from dying in vain, you reached for the communicator.

"I-I don't know if anyone is out there, but if you're an American ally, please, listen. You must share word: the Germans will use Carbon 14 on the front. I repeat-the Germans are using Carbon 14 on the fro-" you could not finish the sentence as you had to take a large gulp of air before submerging the vessel along with you in the lake.

You were fighting with every will to give in as you had yet another fit with the belts, but you were losing the battle. It had been and entire three minutes of pure agony when you lost yourself to the dark. But, before you could pass out completely, you found a figure swimming towards you. You felt webbed hands cup your cheeks and something press against your lips as your lungs were inflated with the much needed air.

You didn't know what happened after that, but you did know you were still alive.

Before you could even determine what you were doing, you were up on your feet and running through the elderly halls of what seemed like a castle in nothing but a hospital gown.

You ran aimlessly through the corridors, starting to think you might have gone crazy when noticed the paintings on the walls clearly move.

You ran straight through a pair of doors, but immediately regretted it when you found a good thousand (ish) kids staring right at you. You stood rooted to the spot, completely frozen, until you felt a gentle however firm grip on your shoulder.

"My word! You run mighty fast for a girl your age. You really must let me in on how you stay so fit. But, for now, off to bed you go. You still aren't recovered." A rather young looking lady orders.

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