Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War (various x reader)

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There is a prophecy. A prophecy of the apocalypse. It goes that a child is born on a Friday in August, the date being 8/13/04. The baby boy, unknown to all mortals, is the harbinger of this apocalypse. It is said that by his 16th birthday, the hellhound shall be released and find its destined owner-the boy. Then, one by one, each horseman, Conquest (who doubles as Pestilence), War, Famine, and Death, will finally find their horses and equipment. In turn, like the hellhound, will find the boy and upon their quest, will affect all beings in their path. They all start out in one of the four corners of the world and work their way in-equally killing an average of 25% of the population. Their effect on the lands they traversed upon would start showing immediately, but would reach its peak potential upon finding the child.

But what if something happened? A sort of miscalculation. A simple temptation from a demon maybe went a little too far and cancelled the entire ordeal. After all, the antichrist would have to exhibit all aspects of a human until the time was right-including but not limited to human levels of mortality. So, Satan improvised and made it so that should the antichrist die, the role would be transferred to the human they trusted most in life. Although to cross a river, there must be a bridge.It must be agreed upon that the hellhound would be taken in by the next in line. This would then redirect the horsemen to their new king or queen.

Present day is set to August 13, 2020, San Francisco, California. It was a warm day, however cloudy. The seasonal forest fires that occur close by are starting to die down like they did every year. As temperatures drop slightly, Micheal's mood only lifts. He usually isn't the type to get excited about his birthday, but he has been hoping and hoping that this would be the year he got a dog. He had practically been begging his parents for a dog, but his father would always brush off the notion, claiming he was allergic to some kinds-namely the extra furry ones. Micheal reasoned that they could get a less furry dog like a pug all the way to a great dane.

There were only a few days left until the start of school and while he was out with his best friend, (y/n), he could stop by the pet store and see what kind of dog his father would be okay with.

It was a quick shower, dress up, and walk to the corner to be picked up in (y/n)'s car. Her father had to spend a year serving in Iraq every 6 or so years, so she got to use her father's car-a pale blue 2012 Hyundai Genesis. She has also wanted a dog and through childish promises, agreed to basically share custody of the dog.

Hardly paying attention to where he was going having gotten used to the process since (Y/n)'s mother drove the two, Micheal started to daydream of the future. He always wanted to visit an Asian country-Japan and South Korea mostly. Maybe he could settle down over there or maybe still here in the States. Open some family owned business which would probably be shut down by the third generation but at least leave a fair lasting impression on the locals. Maybe he'd marry a kind girl or possibly even a boy. Maybe raise a kid or two. He might get another dog along with raising the one he may get today. A honk shook him out of his thoughts as he turned his attention to the right.

"Get in the car, biatch!" (Y/n) called out through the open windows, some old Fleetwood Mac song playing in the background. Micheal jogged over to the vehicle and slipped into the passenger seat. The car finally started moving by the time he put his seatbelt on. "So where you want to blow your money at today? Mall? Park? Pier?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of the shopping center next to the park. I don't really want to come back home smelling like the ocean again." It was a half hour drive but it was well worth it and it would feel like no time at all once they started blasting the music.

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