When the Sun Goes Down (Dio x reader)

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This is such a random world you live in. I swear to god-your hair could suddenly light on fire for no reason-simply because you were pissed-and by the next hour you could be riding a motorcycle, just not quite right... more like you're wearing high heeled boots, standing on the handles, the handles being turned by the space between the outer sole and the actual heel; you squatting and firing an uncountable amount of bullets hardly missing an intended soul.

You could be relaxing in paradise, reclining in a lawn chair, your feet lightly being brushed with the foam of water before receding back into the sea and within the span of a few minutes, you were saving an entire damn race from existential and physical threat.

Or maybe you're saving humanity, kicking ass, and flying into the sky, a giant bomb threatening the entire world grasped between your talons, rocketing up and into the sky, seconds later you were shoved violently away by the explosion of the bomb, falling, your hair obscuring part of your vision, arms outstretched in a cross and a sort of heavy weight lifted, eyes closing and smile tight and true... until you hear something... your name... it's called once by a deep voice and it's hardly audible from the rushing winds, but still there That name... yelled through his lips... in the last millisecond your body tenses, eyes shoot open, and a new weight added, seemingly dragging you down just a hair more before your body is slammed to the ground and you shoot out of bed, stumble over your feet when you try to land but instead hit the carpeted floor face first and deep breaths! That was a mouthful! Okay... we're good now, right? Okay!

Geez! That dream was harsh!

You see, you were different. You look like any normal human 25 year old with a few more scars than most, but nothing too bad. An entire sleeve of tattoos, a few piercings in your ears and one on your lip, but nothing too drastic-it didn't scream absolutely dangerous, but didn't always say "safe" either. You kept yourself clean, maybe drank a little too much, but you had a surprisingly high tolerance for alcohol so it made sense. Your bad habits were never too overbearing and although most everyone who knew you and knew about these problems, they noticed it never bothered anyone and wasn't all too problematic. You looked badass and acted so, but you also looked normal.

But you're not.

You are really some weird... being. Just some human look-alike that lives thousands of years if not forcefully killed, holds an exceeding amount of powers including a couple you could hardly control so you simply never use them.

You are some being that can not only control the tides, the way the wind blows, the way the world shifts, the gravitational and magnetic poles and well-being of certain species—you could control the formation of the entire damn universe if you wanted so much, but not without hard work and a bit of sacrifice. Everything comes with a price, no matter how big or small, and creating a whole new Big Bang would probably take your entire life away.

If you were to tell anyone, maybe they would call you the devil himself? Maybe a god or a simple celestial. But whatever it was, you doubt you were truly human. "A human couldn't change into a dragon or tame a lioness with a simple look." You mumbled to yourself, picking yourself up off the floor. Your two dogs, a by the name of Kalinka and a by the name of Jasper (weird names, I know. That's the point.) popped off your bed and followed you down the hall like lost puppies... which they kind of were, now that you think about it. Of course, your , Scar, who you cuddle with and practically squeeze to death every night stays in bed, so you quickly pivot back around, plucked him from your bed, and carried him by your hip, right back to the hall and into the kitchen.

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