The Strong and the Weak

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As soon as Killua had uttered those words, "But how?" and "How did you know", Shoot explained his answer and immediately, right after he had explained to Killua, Killua just looked down at the ground, once again, preventing his opponent to see his face with his snowflake and pure white bangs, as he then admitted defeat and he had soon gave up, letting his opponent to take the win.

Meanwhile, where Wendy is, as she had finally decided what she was thing to do, she said to herself, "I guess... I have no choice, but to use it. Sorry Happy." She knew what she was doing, and in doing so, she called Happy's name and just like the usual, he popped out while saying, "Aye Sir!" and just as soon as he popped out, Knuckle began to come towards Wendy and punch her, but she immediately dodged.

But as she had dodged, Happy's stomach started to spin, and in a very quick pace, the revealing number to be, "Number 83!" and in which he called out that Number, Happy began to transform into a crossbow.

As soon as Happy had transformed into that crossbow and that crossbow was on Wendy's arm, Wendy, then lands onto the ground as she lifts  up her crossbow at Knuckle's direction as she was getting ready to fire, but something in her told her that she shouldn't do what she was planning next.

After all, A.P.R. was getting even bigger and bigger, but by the time Wendy had summoned Happy and had her weapon out, the number increased more as its size slightly got even bigger.

However, in Wendy's mind, she didn't even bother to look at A.P.R., for she did not care, and she also thought that this last move would be the last and, hopefully, she would defeat Knuckle and get his tile, as she and Killua would go to the NGL together.

As Wendy was thinking of that whole scenario, something, something within Wendy started to feel rage towards her opponent. All she could feel was rage, rage, rage, rage, and rage.

But no matter how many times she tried to block out that raging emotion, that emotion still came rushing back and back inside her head telling her mind to finish it and she should feel absolute rage towards him.

In frustration of feeling that raging emotion, and just like Killua facing Shoot, Wendy yells with all of her emotions she has bottled up since she and Killua had left Mystogan back at the NGL.

And as soon as that yell that had escaped her mouth and as if it were a command, she immediately put her finger on the wooden trigger, and in immediate response and without hesitation, she pulled the trigger as the arrow, then started to come to her opponents way.

However, as Happy was, well, happy to see that Wendy had pulled pork the trigger and the arrow was on its way towards Knuckle, during his side vision, he then saw blue aura started to course through her hands as she then says, "Sky Dragon's...

"Wait? Wendy! What are you doing?!" Asked Happy as he had a questioning and shocked tone, but as Happy said that, he knew that Wendy had heard him, she just wasn't listening to him.

"You can't do it Wendy! You know it's forbidden! You know the rules! You can't use it! Please Wendy!"

Wendy knew what Happy meant, but if it meant to beat Knuckle, get those tiles, and go to the NGL to save Mystogan, she did not care for what was to come and what were the consequences to her actions, so in her reason of action, she said her final wording of this spell, "Sigh!"

As soon as she said those magical words of her spell, a medium sized blast of blue energy of air started to come towards the arrow, and once that blast of blue energy of air had hit that arrow, the two connected like a magical fusion of Unison Raid, but instead, it was a fusion of magic and Nen, and just like Wendy clarified to Genthru, magic and Nen do not mix.

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