Sixteen - Chinami-Ren Arakawa

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How can these people be sure I wasn't trying to save them from a monster? Just how many quirks did you manifest from that serum?


"The court would like to welcome the first witness to the stand." Judge Hanzo announced. The bailiff escorted Ren from her seat behind Atsuko up to the podium below Judge Hanzo's. She glanced at her father as she walked, a mistake she instantly regretted when she saw his cold, dark eyes. "If you will, state your full name and age, please." Judge Hanzo said to Ren after she was seated.

Ren took a deep breath and leant closer to the microphone. "Chinami-Ren Arakawa, 17." She spoke as clearly as she could.

"Ms Jun, you may begin your questions." Judge Hanzo gestured to Atsuko.

Atsuko adjusted her blazer and stepped up to the floor. "Chinami-Ren, you've been going by Ren Chinami for the past few months, correct?"

"Yes." Ren nodded.

"You have been attending UA High, where you are a member of the Hero course?"


"How are you finding your studies?"

Ren tugged on the bottom of her shirt. "Really good, I think."

"Have you made friends?"

"Yes. A lot of them." Ren smiled, she wondered again how their time in Okinawa was going.

"Good." Atsuko smiled at Ren, it seemed irrelevant but it was all part of their plan. "Chinami-Ren, you were born in Japan and then moved to the United States at the age of seven, is this correct?"

"That is correct."

"What transpired to cause your father, the defendant in question, to move your family of six to another country?"

Ren felt tears swell in her eyes. "My father was training us from a young age, and my mother didn't approve. It drove her mad... She killed herself." There was a long silence. Ren glanced at her father, he wouldn't look at her. "And so we left the country so he could continue his despicable research."

"You are the lone survivor of five children, is this correct?"


"From your recollection, and bearing in mind you are under strict oath, what happened to your five siblings?"

"My oldest brother died almost instantly from a quirk serum that he produced-" Ren began.

"He, as in your brother or your father?" Atsuko butted in to ensure Ren was being clear.

"My father - The Doctor." Ren spat out the words. "He created the serum that forces your body to manifest quirks. Next it was my oldest sister, she died after a few days. Their bodies... It was almost like they exploded from the power... We had to-" Ren clenched her teeth, tears fell down her cheeks. Mirio felt himself getting up, wanting to rush to her side, and tell her that it was okay.

"Take your time." Judge Hanzo said calmly.

"My last two siblings and I... We had to clean up their remains!" Ren blurted it out. There was a gasp and a mumble through the court. The tears pouring down her cheeks fell onto her hands and fizzled into steam as soon as they hit her skin. "And then... My last sister... She cut her own wrists when he injected the serum into her... She'd witnessed what it turned them into... And she couldn't bare the thought of going through that... So I cleaned up her blood before my brother could see it."

"And what happened to him?" Atsuko asked with a saddened tone.

Ren looked up at her father slowly. "You-" She said breathlessly. "You beat him to death... He was 15... And the last thing I had left in this world..."

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